Chapter 2

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The next day, Kathleen and Allison walked down the street and walked towards Mr Gold's shop. Something in the window caught Kathleen's eye, a ring in a box.

 Something in the window caught Kathleen's eye, a ring in a box

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"Mum?" Allison looked at it, "Pretty," She said.

"Miss Smith?" They turned to see Mr Gold, "I'm afraid the shop isn't open, but I'll be happy to show you whatever has caught your eye now if you'd you," Mr Gold said.

"Mr Gold, I-I know, it's just this ring..." Kathleen looked at the ring as he stood with them, "Looks so familiar to me... It wasn't in the window yesterday was it?" Kathleen asked.

"No, I found it in the back, I've been meaning to polish it and finally got around to it last night... Would you like to see it up close?" Mr Gold asked her.

"Oh, uh, I have to get this one to school," Kathleen said.

"Of course," Mr Gold said.

"Bye Mr Gold," Kathleen said and they walked away.


Calista was sat at Rumpelstiltskin's spinning wheel just fiddling with the straw when Naomi walked in.

"Mama?" Naomi called out and walked to her, "Will Snow and Charming kill Papa?" Naomi asked her worriedly.

"Oh darling," Calista looked at her, "Your Papa can't be killed, they will just drain him but he can't die, but..." Calista said.

"But what Mama?" Naomi asked sitting beside her.

"It won't stop them trying... But Snow is pure, we have to hope they'll just keep him locked up in that cell," Calista said.

"Mama... Do you miss Papa?" Naomi asked.

"Of course I do darling... I miss your Papa every day," Calista said and brushed her fingers through her daughter's hair.

"But, Papa told me he and your brother are enemies..." Naomi said.

"They are yes... I never liked your Papa at the beginning, when he took me from the Jolly Roger when he took me from my big brother... Eventually, the beast, the crocodile I believed him to be turned into a man, and the man I believed my brother to be, turned into a beast," Calista said.

"Really?" Naomi said.

"Yes, your uncle never came for me when I hated it here, I used to stare out of my window and just hope that one day he would come to get me but he never did... And to be honest, now I'm glad he hasn't, I've had 10 amazing years with you and your Papa," Calista said and kissed her head then looked at her ring on her finger, smiling to herself.

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