District Hellven

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I know I haven't finished the other one yet but I just have to publish this and will do my best to support them both.

So this is another NCT fanfiction yey! But this time it's an alternative universe where humans doesn't exists, just so you know Ji Hansol will be in here again so deal with it. The characters portrayed in the book does not show what the Idols truly are in real life this story is just a fanfiction so don't take it seriously.

I'm actually a Norenmin and Xiaohenyang fan but for this story I might break them up.

I don't proof read and English is not my first language so please excuse all the typos and grammatical errors along the way.

Expect slow updates hehe for I am as lazy as fuck but I will still try to update as fast as I can.

Warning!! This story contains swear words/cussing because every people( or should I say creatures) swears.

Please don't be a silent reader, it will help and encourage me a lot if you write/comment down how you feel in every chapter hehe. Lovieuuss.

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