Chapter 11

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"Do you think we should help the District Masters?." Chenle asked and Taeyong shook his head.

"We're not much of a help, aside from Sicheng who among you can heal?..." He paused and looked at the rest who didn't raised their hands, "...exactly we can't heal so what help can we offer?."

"Maybe moral support?."Shotaro said and everyone cooed him for being cute.

"Us...being here is already enough Shotaro." Jungwoo softly said while pinching his cheeks which made Shotaro giggle.

"Kun, why are you crying?." Hansol asked and hugged his mate.

Everyone looked at the Angel who's crying in his mate's arms, "Do you think it's my fault?."

"Why would it be your fault, ge?." Yangyang asked Jeno and Jaemin looked at him bitterly, they can't still accept the fact that he is Renjun's mate but they know that they can't do anything but to accept it even though it hurts.

"I..I mean I encouraged him to confess his love for Yuta so he can no longer suffer but I think it made everything worse." He sniffled.

"It's okay Kun, I know Sicheng won't be mad at you and besides he'll be okay in a week or so." Taeil comforted him.

Not long after Yuta was in pain the Angel District Masters came barging in with Sicheng in Leeteuk's arms, they were worried for he's covered in blood and they can still smell the burn of his flesh.

The District Masters wasted no time and immediately ran towards a room and Leeteuk ordered Kyuhyun to heal him.

As Eunhyuk came down from the stairs everyone stood up and asked for the two.

"How's Sicheng?." Taeyong asked.

"And Yuta?." Jaehyun continued, Eunhyuk signalled them to sit down and he also sat down.

"Yuta's fine while Sicheng's being treated by them so don't worry he'll be fine." He answered and they nodded even though they're not quite satisfied they need to trust the District Master's words.

"You know something changed." Eunhyuk started after having enough of the silence that took over.

"What changed, District Master?." Mark asked, Eunhyuk gave him a weird look.

Eunhyuk laughed, "Dropped the formalities just call us hyung and to answer your question you all are getting along you don't go after each other's head anymore and I must say that's a good change."

Just then they realized what the District Master's said was true they no longer want to kill each other which made them smile.

"What are your plans?." Eunhyuk asked which made them confused.

"Plans for what?." Doyoung asked.

"For Destroyer because sooner or later he will rise." He answered which made them frozen in place especially Donghyuck.

"W..will the Chosen Angel..?." Donghyuck asked and Eunhyuk slowly nodded which made them gasp.

"Haven't my brother told you? About my Mother's vision?." He asked and eyed Mark who was also staring at him.

They looked at Mark then to Eunhyuk then to Mark again, "You're brothers!!?." They said in unison and they nodded.

"What vision did your mother foresaw?." Johnny asked.

"The downfall of the Angels inside the District." With what he said all the Angels' eyes widened.

"Having a hybrid mate won't turn you a fallen angel but your halo will still hurt them though I suggest you start planning now." Eunhyuk shrugged his shoulder while sitting like a King he is.

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