Chapter 08

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Warning! Mentioning of F slur:>


After Donghyuck, Mark and Taeyong knew that Renjun is the Chosen Angel, Donghyuck started their plan to make Renjun avoid the Demon. Everytime Yangyang will approach Renjun he will make an excuse then drag the older away and everytime Renjun will approach the younger he will drag him away from him.

Renjun isn't dumb and he knew that something is wrong with his bestfriend and today he will confront him for he's really getting pissed.

As he's searching for his bestfriend he found Yangyang sitting near the lake inside the District. Since Donghyuck isn't with him he called the younger, waved his hands and ran towards him.

"Yangyang!." He called the younger, when the younger heard someone called his name he hissed and glared at him but when he saw it's Renjun he stood up and smiled.

"Ge!." They almost fell onto the ground because Renjun threw himself to younger luckily Yangyang was fast enough to balance himself.

"I never knew I'd miss your annoying voice." Renjun giggled as they sat on the ground.

Yangyang looked at the older who has a smile plastered on his face, "It's been two weeks since we were together with no Donghyuck pulling and dragging you away from me."

"Why don't we forget Donghyuck for a while and let's catch up?, Hmm?." Yangyang nodded.

"So how are you?." Renjun started while looking at Yangyang's eyes.

"Well to be honest I'm not really okay and fine because I wasn't able to talk to you and be with you." Yangyang pouted and whined when Renjun pinched his cheeks.

"Ge...Stop it." He whined but deep inside he's craving for his ge's touch and affection.

"You're cute... But don't worry I won't let Donghyuck drag me away from you again." He smiled which made Yangyang smile too.

"You better, ge or else I'll take action and forcefully bind you with me." And they laughed together not knowing there are two creatures looking at them at the very top of the mansion.

"Do you think we should separate them?." District Master Heechul asked Leeteuk who's beside him looking at them with a smile.

"I think not, let the new generation face the reality and it's problem, we should not interfere for our generation has come to an end instead we should only guide and support them not drive them apart. Separating them will only make things worse, of all people you should know that." Leeteuk said and Heechul nodded.

"Their downfall is just a blink of an eye away, one by one an Angel will fall and the next thing we knew Destroyer shall rise and end us all. That's what my Mother told me." District Master Lee Hyukjae said as soon as he landed at the roof with District Master Donghae beside him.

"Maybe we should prepare them? Especially Renjun?." Donghae suggested and earned a hum.

"Renjun can't defeat Destroyer." Another voice was heard behind them but they didn't turn to see who's the owner of it for they already know who it is– District Master Choi Siwon.

"Isn't that obvious? Of course he–alone can't defeat him why do you think we invited the 24 of them here?." District Master Kim Yesung rolled his eyes and Ryeowook agreed with him.

"So do we tell them that?." Shindong asked and Leeteuk just laughed.

"I'm too lazy to tell them and besides what's the use of us teaching them the worth of trusting each other and fighting side by side if they can't figure out that the only way to defeat Destroyer is to fight together?."

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