Chapter 10

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"Taeyong could you stop going back and forth? You're making me dizzy." Doyoung said as he's getting pissed because since the Angels left with Sicheng he's been walking back and forth.

"You don't understand." He lowly said which caught their attention.

"Then make us understand." He said and Taeyong shook his head.

They're currently inside the District Masters mansion, Shindong said that it's much better for them to stay there while waiting for the others to come and so that they can monitor Yuta. Right now Ryeowook and Yesung are inside the guestroom where Yuta is at, they said that sooner or later he will feel the pain and the only thing that they can do is to minimize the pain.

"Hyung, you should calm down." Jaemin said and the others nodded.

"Love, please sit and tell us what's bothering you." As soon as he heard his mate's soft voice he looked at him, went towards him and sat at his lap.

"We all know that with or without mating Angels will be punished just by saying the three words and sealing it with a kiss right?." Taeyong started.

"But that only happens to the Chosen Angel, that's what District Master Ryeowook said, right?." Shotaro asked.

Taeyong sighed, "That happened to Ten and Donghyuck and they never mated to their mates. What District Master Ryeowook intend to say is that the Chosen Angel's mate will most likely suffer than a normal demon for his mate is the Chosen Angel." He explained and they nodded.

"As you can see Sicheng is not an ordinary Angel, he's one of the son of the Almighty One which means his punishment will be much worse than our punishment." He said while pointing Ten and Donghyuck.

"Since he's the son of the Almighty One shouldn't he lessen the punishment of Sicheng hyung?." Mark asked and he shook his head.

"You see the Almighty One isn't so holy as everyone knows, he's a total hypocrite." Ten said while rolling his eyes.

"Ten ge!." Renjun called him and glare at him while Ten just sarcastically smiled at him.

"He's not wrong though." Kun agreed to Ten.

"He wants everyone in his District to be perfect especially his sons. Since he's the ruler of the District he wants his sons to be a perfect role model for the Angles, now that his second oldest son just committed a sin and fell in love with a demon what do you think he will do to Sicheng?." Their eyes never left Taeyong's and didn't dare utter a word.

Taeyong sighed, "He's lucky if his punishment is just like mine, Ten and Donghyuck's but if he isn't he might lose his wings and be a wingless fallen angel."

Gasps filled the room and was stunned when they heard Taeyong's words. Some can't believe his words for it'll be so cruel of their ruler especially to his son.

"He won't take his wings." Renjun suddenly blurted while shaking as Yangyang saw his state he went beside him and hugged him tightly.

"How sure are you, ge?." Chenle asked.

"He'll be embarrassed and that's the last thing the almighty one wants." He answered.

"Then what will he do to Sicheng hyung?." Jungwoo asked quietly.

"The Almighty One once created a punishment for a certain Angels and it's called 'El castigo de mis hijos' meaning My Childrens' Punishment. The first punishment is for the older which is to remove the eyesight and burn his wings for 5 seconds, the second punishment is for the second child which is to burn the flesh to mark that he has sinned heavily and is disowned while they need to burn the the end of the wings that are attached to the  back then the last punishment is the combination of the two which is to remove one eyesight( like the right eye or left) and burn the edge of the wings and flesh." Renjun explained as he calmed down by Yangyang's hug.

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