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"We are hereby to declare that the District Hellven is now finally open and is ready to accept new  students...and you, my lucky one, have been chosen to attend our District. We are ecstatic to welcome you in our District so don't be afraid to be different once you've entered, for being true to your self is the only way out. "

Sincerely Yours,
District Master Park Jungsoo


Angels- are holy creatures who serve the 'Almighty One'(which is their God'), their hair and eyes are usually color brown with white wings and there's only a few angels who's hair is white and has silver eyes,

-Moon Taeil
-Qian Kun
-Dong Sicheng
-Xiao Dejun
-Huang Renjun
-Lee Jeno
-Na Jaemin
-Osaki Shotaro

Demons- are the opposite of the angels who doesn't believe in the 'Almighty One', their hair and eyes are usually color red with black wings and only few of them has the color black in hair and eyes.

-Seo Youngho/ Johnny
-Nakamoto Yuta
-Jung Jaehyun
-Wong Yukhei/Lucas
-Lee Minhyung/Mark
-Wong Kunhang/ Hendery
-Liu Yangyang
-Jung Sungchan
-Park jisung

Fallen Angels-are angels that has sinned or betrayed their kind, once they've been banished from their District one side of their hair(which is the half), eyes and wings will turn black then black linnings will appear on their body (for example from their right shoulder to the neck)

-Lee Taeyong
-Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul/Ten
-Lee Donghyuck

Hybrids- are born half angel and half demon, the color of their eyes are either black or brown, usually their hair color is brown with black highlights or vice versa and the color of their wings are usually color brown with some black feathers or vice versa.

-Ji Hansol
-Kim Dongyoung/Doyoung
-Kim Jungwoo
-Zhong Chenle

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