Chapter 12

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"I keep telling you, I'm fine." Yuta irritatingly said to the dumb idiots that keeps making him rest when he's all feeling alright.

"I doubt it, don't make him stand up." Doyoung shook his head 'no' and received a glare from the older.

It has been a week since Sicheng's punishment happened and everyone was glad when Yuta woke up but they immediately wished he'd just remain asleep for he wants to be with Sicheng even though he's still weak.

"I need to see him." He slowly said with authority which kinda scared them off but not Taeyong who made his way in and gave him a soft smile and an intimidating look.

"Yes you will..." Yuta suddenly got up but was pushed back by Taeyong, "...once you're all good but for now just lie on your bed and rest."

"But Tae...I need to see him, what if he's hurt so badly?." With his question everyone inside the room went silent. He raised his brow and looked at them but none of them wants to meet his confused and angered eyes.

"That's it! No one's stopping me not even you, Taeyong." He pointed and gave Taeyong a look when he was about to refute but he suddenly shut his mouth.

"Tell me, where's my Sicheng?." He asked leaving no room for argument and they had no choice but to tell him where Sicheng is.

The moment he entered the room he was greeted by unconscious Sicheng who's floating on the bed with lots of bandages all over him. He immediately went closer to his mate and held his hand. To say that his angry is an understatement all he wants to do is barge in the District Heaven and kill the motherfucking bastard who did this to his precious Sicheng.

"Why is he floating?." He quietly asked without taking his eyes off of his mate's beautiful face.

Ten cleared his throat before speaking up, "The wings attached on his back was burnt badly so the hyungs decided to not let his back touch the bed for it might worsen the wounds." He immediately shut his mouth when a dark aura was gathered around Yuta.

"That...that fucking hypocrite how can he fucking do this to my Sicheng?." He was shaking not because of fear but because of anger.

"This might worsen your anger but I need to tell you this." Donghyuck suddenly spoke up and everyone gave him a glare but he ignored them and focused on Yuta.

"Shut it, love. Now's not the time." Mark whispered as he tries to hold his mate's hand and stop him but of course it was futile.

Yuta was still admiring the beauty of his mate and only hummed as a response.

"Leeteuk hyung said that the burns was so bad that if Sicheng hyung is lucky he won't get to use his wings for months." He answered and Yuta knew that there's still a continuation to his sentence.

"And?." He asked.

"Donghyuck don't tell him, it won't be good for him." Kun said as he tries to reason but it only fell on a deaf ear.

"...if he's not he won't be able to fly anymore, he won't get to use his wings ever again.It's like it will just be a design on his back ." As soon as Donghyuck finished his sentence  everyone in the room was forced to stepped back when Yuta's dark aura turned into a forced energy that suddenly exploded.

'Damn it! This is why we don't anger him.' Johnny cursed in his thought as he tries to get closer to him but a certain energy was keeping them apart.

"Yuta hyung, calm down." Jaehyun tried to calm him down but was sent flying when Yuta burst in anger.

"What the fuck, hyung?." Lucas said and helped Jaehyun to stand up.

"He's a fucking Angel goddamn it! What's the use of calling him that if he can't fly anymore?!." He shouted that terrified the creatures that's inside the room.

"Correction he's now a Fallen Angel." Chenle was brave enough to correct the furious demon and eventually hid behind Jisung's back when their eyes met.

"No one said he won't be able to fly anymore, Yuta." Taeyong calmly said as he tries to calm the atmosphere down.

"Isn't that the same thing?." He asked furiously and Taeyong shook his head 'no'.

"He won't be able to use his wings 'for now', do you understand me? Because his wings needs time to heal so how can his wings heal if he will use them?." He reason and his lips moved upward when Yuta calmed down a bit, but it's much better than not calming down, right?.

"Are you cool now? Calm down, Sicheng won't like it if you're like that." Taeil softly said and Yuta slowly nodded.

Once he calmed down and everyone gathered their feet up they heard a new voice with hardness and worry in it.

"Go away Yuta hyung, you're hurting my ge." Renjun said as he walked his way towards Sicheng whose bandages were covered with blood.

A mouthful of curses were heard as they gather near Sicheng's bed.

"Why would he bleed?." Jaemin asked with worry written in his eyes. As much as Renjun dislike him and Jeno he sighed and remembered what Yangyang told him and that's to let go, forgive and move on for the sake of their long time friendship.

"The branding iron that was used to mark Sicheng ge's body is a holy item that the Almighty One created a long time ago and once the mark caused by it gets contact to a dark energy it will worsen." He calmly answered Jaemin.

"Shotaro call Kyuhyun hyung tell him we need him to heal Sicheng's wound." Shotaro nodded and left together with Sungchan.

Jungwoo looked at Yuta who has a guilty look on his face and sighed, "Now you know why we don't let anger take over, hyung? Because it can hurt someone you love even if you don't want to." He softly said and Yuta nodded slowly.

"Sorry." He whispered and Johnny patted his back saying it's okay and Sicheng will be okay.

While waiting for Kyuhyun a loud thunder was heard which made them shocked and eyes widened. They then noticed the Angels and Demons missing.

"Shit! Could it be?." Ten panicked and they saw Shotaro and Sungchan rushing towards them.

"Senior Angel Suho is outside with Xiaojun hyung and Hendery hyung kneeling in front of him." Then almost everyone rushed outside while Yuta, Renjun, and Donghyuck stayed.

"The downfall can't really be stopped, huh?." Donghyuck said and laughed emptily.

Renjun looked at Sicheng whose hand was being held by Yuta and found him staring at him lovingly. He then closed his eyes and clenched his fist before looking at his bestfriend who's also looking at him with worry in his eyes.

"Shall mine be the next, then?." He said lowly and Donghyuck just stood at him place.

"I care for you..." Donghyuck said and Renjun slowly nodded.

"I know, Hyuck." He smiled and was about to say something when Donghyuck cut him off.

"...and I'll do anything to support you and your happiness." As soon as he finished his sentence Renjun's tears fell and run to hug him really tight.

With that...the mischievous brats of the District Heaven are finally back, stronger than ever.

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