Chapter 07

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After their class to District Master Donghae something between them  has changed and you can say that the change between them is a good thing, they no longer hate each other like they used to but they still bicker and insult each other though.

"How come you're so feminine?." Lucas asked Jungwoo who was on the verge of hitting him for asking the same question for like twelve times.

Jungwoo looked at him with an annoyed look, "How come you're so annoying?."

"I mean you can just be a girl but you're a man that's like a girl." He said and Jungwoo placed his hand on his face and uttered a groan.

"Are your kind all feminine? I mean Chenle, Doyoung hyung and Hansol hyung aren't feminine so why are you so feminine?." He asked again.

"Do you want to get beaten up? Come here and I'll beat you up." He said and stood up while Lucas just smiled like a winning baby–a giant baby.

"Do you want to get food? My treat." He smiled and held Jungwoo's hand when he saw him nodded.

"Lucas is weird." Xiaojun uttered when he saw what happened between them.

"That's just his normal side." Hendery said while looking at him.

"Do you think he likes Jungwoo hyung?." Xiaojun suddenly shifted his head to his right side and was stunned when he realized that Hendery's face was just an inch far from his.

Hendery smirked, "Maybe."

Xiaojun quickly looked in front and silently cursed when he felt butterflies in his stomach.

' This is bad.' he thought.

Donghyuck was busy chatting with Chenle, Renjun and Yangyang when suddenly his boyfriend–Mark grabbed his hand and pulled him away from them.

"What is it, Mork?."Donghyuck rolled his eyes because his boyfriend really needs to pull him away from his friends instead of calling him.

"My Mother saw something."he started and his statement caught Donghyuck's attention.

"From the look of your face it's bad, isn't it?." Mark nodded and Donghyuck sighed.

Mark's mother is the oracle of the District Hell, she can foresee everything that will happen in the future.

"What did she foresaw?." He asked and Mark sighed.

"The downfall of the Angels." Donghyuck eyes widened as he heard what he said.

"All of the Angels or just the Angels in here?." He's worried for his friends might be the Angels that his boyfriend's talking about.

"The Angels here, love." And in just a blink of an eye Donghyuck just felt  that his world was shaken.

' But they can't experience what we had experienced.' he thought.


They immediately turned when they heard another voice appeared and saw Taeyong standing in front of them.

"Hyung..."Donghyuck called him.

"But that can't happen, before I was banished from the Heaven I've heard the Seniors talking that one of them is the Chosen Angel." Taeyong's words shocked them more.

"It's either Kun hyung or Renee." Taeyong nodded.

"Have you heard who it is, hyung?." Mark asked and was in dismay when Taeyong sadly shook his head.

"Then what do we do?." Donghyuck was very worried and can't help but to shake.

"I have an idea." They all turned to the direction of the new voice that they heard and seeing that it was District Master Shin Donghee together with District Master Leeteuk they felt relieved.

"Listen up punks for my class today we will play a game."District Master Shindong said as soon as he entered the room.

"Game? Isn't that for kids?." Jisung asked and Shindong gave him a laugh.

"Aren't you a kid?." And everyone laugh.

"Fucker." He whispered and rolled his eyes.

"We will play a game called Who's the Chosen One." He started and secretly eyed Kun and Renjun.

Yangyang raised his hand, "How do we play your game?."

Shindong smiled, "Simple first you touch the crystal ball to be verified as a player then you play the game I want, if you will be able to win every game you'll be the Chosen One and I'll give you all the chocolates that Yesung has."

"The price is only chocolates?." Jaehyun snorted.

"You don't want it?." Taeyong childishly asked and Jaehyun sighed because he knows that Taeyong must have it or he will be the one to get it for him

"I'm in, what kind of chocolate does he have?." Jungwoo's eyes sparkled as he heard the word chocolates.

"That's a sceret.... Alright there will be three colors that will appear on the crystal ball, first the red which means you're a normal player, light blue means you can advance to the next game without a sweat and blue means you get to advance to the next 3 games." He explained.

"Won't that be like  favoritism? We work our ass off while they would be like in paradise just waiting to win." Doyoung sulkily said.

"If you're lucky then you'd be in paradise waiting to win but if not then sucks to be you." Shindong then lead them to the gymnasium where the games will be held.

"This is making me nervous." Donghyuck uttered and Mark just squeezed his hand.

"It'll be okay." He whispered to his ears.

The moment the got in the gymnasium they saw a floating crystal ball at the middle of the room.

"Go on touch it so that we can start the fucking game." Shindong said and they touch it one by one.

So far the only color that has appeared was color red which made them groan especially those who are very competitive.

"This sucks." Taeyong whispered, Jaehyun just held waist and pulled him closely. Even though he knew that this is only for a show he still wants to get the prize.

Now it's Kun's turn and the moment he held the crystal ball it turned color light blue which made him smile and made the others groan again.

' You almost became the Chosen Angel but was not fitted for the role.' Shindong thought and signal the others to touch it.

There are only two Angels remaining which are Jaemin and Renjun and one demon which is  Yangyang who's just beside Renjun. As Jaemin saw them together again he can't help but to clench his fist and grit his teeth.

' Fucking demon who doesn't know his place.' He thought.

As Renjun touched the crystal ball it immediately turned to blue which made him happy for he will get an advantage, Yangyang who's beside him quickly hugged him and they jumped in Joy.

'Awe our precious Chosen Angel  with his greatest downfall beside him.' Shindong thought, he smiled and shook his head.

While they're too busy celebrating there are three creatures who was frozen onto their place and can't seem to function what just happened.

"No..." Taeyong whispered and Jaehyun looked at him worriedly.

"Everything alright, Love?." He asked and was surprised when a tear escaped his eye.

"Mork this can't happen!." Donghyuck was gripping his mate's collar and shaking him.

"Love...."Mark tried to calm his mate down but Donghyuck was too drowned in the sea of his feeling.

"He won't be able to take the punishment, Mark....It might kill him."Donghyuck whispered as his tears rolled down to his face

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