Chapter 03

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Today is their first day and some of them didn't like it but they had no choice but to attend their class. Lucky for them they're only 24 in their class well the District Masters only picked 24 creatures to attend their District.

"Bummer, man bummer." Lucas whined to Johnny who just flicked his forehead and made him whine more.

"You are such a baby, hyung." Sungchan commented while flying towards the building.

"He's always like that, be surprised if he doesn't act like one." Hendery said which made Sungchan laugh together with Mark.

Lucas just stuck his tongue out to them and whined to Johnny more who's at the verge of throwing him to the ground.

"On the bright side at least for the whole day we're together." Mark said which made Yuta punch him playfully.

"What's good at us being together?." He asked and rolled his eyes.

Once they got inside the classroom they saw half of the Angels, hybrids and fallen Angels already sitting down and most of them rolled their eyes while thinking that they're stuck with the stupid Angels for the whole day.

When Mark saw Donghyuck patting the empty seat beside him he smiled and immediately went to his boyfriend.

"Hi love, good morning." He whispered and kissed his lips which made Donghyuck blushed and giggled.

Johnny saw that Ten was not paying attention to anyone and just silently sitting infront he then sat beside him, Ten was annoyed because someone sat beside him when he clearly reserve the seat to his lover. He was about to curse the one who sat beside him when a pair of wet lips touched his lips.

"Hey babe." Johnny said and winked at him he then rolled his eyes.

"I didn't hear you entering." He said and Johnny just laughed.

When the remaining demons saw that they feel like vomiting and just sat wherever they want. Just after they sat down they saw the remaining creatures coming inside.

Yangyang immediately waved his hands when he saw Renjun coming in, "Ge!! Here sit beside me." He then tapped the empty seat beside him.

All of them turned their heads to Yangyang who just literally called Renjun–an Angel to sit beside him.

'What the fuck is going on?.' they all thought especially Jaemin and Jeno.

"Since when did they get so close?." Jeno whispered to Jaemin who just shrugged his shoulders and tried to ignore the weird feeling that's blooming in their heart.

Renjun ignored all the stares and went directly to where Yangyang is seated and sat beside him, "You're so loud, you know?."

Yangyang chuckled, "I know, ge."

Donghyuck slapped his best friend's shoulder which resulted for Renjun to glare at him, "You have a lot of explaining to do, Renee."

The moment the Angels saw Taeyong they were having mix feelings, they're happy yet sad, excited yet very confused and shocked because he looks like a demon like literally. Fallen Angels are supposed to have either color black and brown or black and white hair, eyes and wings not fully black.

" W...hy?"Taeil whispered as he saw Taeyong's black hair, eyes and wings. The last time he saw him, his hair and wings are black on one side and white on the other side while his eyes and black and silver.

"Hyung?." what happened? Shotaro wanted to continue but the words never came out from his mouth.

If the Angels were shocked almost of the demons were also shocked, seeing Taeyong so different after a long time just won't function to their minds. He is so different from the last time they saw him, the white hair of his turned completely to black, his silver eyes were also turned to black, also his beautiful wings were turned black and last but not the least his lively and full of life eyes are now dead or dull.

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