Chapter 06

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"So for today you will learn the importance of trust and friendship..." District Master Lee Donghae started while paying attention to their reaction and expressions, "..especially trusting each other." and emphasizes 'each other'.

"Why? What's so good about that?."Hendery asked.

"In the future you'll know and you'll probably thank us for it." He winked and started explaining what they need to do.

"We need to do what!?." Yuta exclaimed as he heard their District Master's words.

"You've got to be kidding me?." Jisung mumbled.

Suddenly their surrounding changed into a obstacle course full of obstacles.

"Like what I said earlier you will learn on how to trust each other, by picking a stick you will know who your partner will be and the one who picks the lighter one will be your guide and if you pick the darker one I will block your sight and remove your sense of direction so that you will have no choice but to depend to your partner." Donghae explained once more and earned multiple groans.

"Such a pain in the ass."Hansol rolled his eyes as he walks towards rhe District Master to pick a stick, as everyone had picked their sticks almost were complaining but deep inside they know they won't dare.

"At the end of the course you would see a bunch of feathers and your task is to guide your partner through out the course and get it, no fighting and no using of your wings if it's not necessary once you pass this test there will be rewards but if you fail there will be a punishment."

"The first obstacle is a yarn maze where the one who picked a light colored stick will be ahead of you and you must follow their voice only the voice of your partner. Once you made contact to the yarns it'll burn your skin so goodluck and let's start the test." He smiled, he first cast a spell to block and remove their sight and sense of directions before flying to the very top to watch them make a miracle.

Shotaro picked a light yellow stick while his partner–Sungchan picked the darker one so he will be the one guiding him through out the course which makes him nervous. First he said earlier  that he will avoid him for the mean time but he thinks that Heaven is against it.

"Shotaro?." Sungchan called him and he smiled even though he wont see it.

"Follow and trust my voice so you won't be hurt." He softly said, Sungchan nodded and he went at the end of the maze where he can see Sungchan being confident.

"Can you hear me?." He yelled and Sungchan raised a thumbs up.

"First slowly go forward." Shotaro started and Sungchan obediently followed him, he slowly walked forward and stopped when he heard him say stop.

"Go go right.....walk straight ahead...wait slow down there's a yarn...slow down." Shotaro yelled when he saw Sungchan fastly striding forward.

"This is harder than I thought." Sungchan said to himself and tried to focus to Shotaro's angelic voice.

'The fuck did I said? Angelic? What the hell is wrong with me?.' he said in his thought.

"Fuck!."he hissed when his arm made contact to the yarn. Having his sense of direction being removed and his eyesight getting blocked is a pain in the ass he was somehow getting scared for this never happened to him.

"Fucking yarns!." He heard Johnny cursed.

"I told you idiot to follow my voice, you're not so tough now are you?." Ten mocked and smile at the sight of his boyfriend being defenseless and weak.

"Sungchan? Focus to my voice, only to my voice and disregard theirs." Sungchan then focused to Shotaro's voice.

"Left....right....stop and go back a little that's right then straight ahead you're almost there!." Shotaro yelled, he sighed when he heard his words.

"This fucking hurts." He mumbled and obediently followed his voice that's actually getting nearer he smiled when he knew that he's not lying.

After a while he felt a hand touched him, he flinched and is ready to attack him when he heard his voice, "It's me, you've finally made it to the end."

Hearing his voice actually made him disregard the burns he got earlier, he just smiled and held his hands tighter not minding the scary feeling he felt earlier when he was alone in the dark because now he have him, who would be beside him until he could see the light again.

As everyone finished the first obstacle their feet were chained because for the next obstacle they need to get pass through the hurdles together and with the guide of their partners of course.

"This is so fucking annoying." Renjun cursed and Yangyang giggled.

"It's not, ge." He answered which made the older snicker.

"Say that again if you're the one who needs to be guided." Yangyang just pinched his cheeks lightly and  intertwined their hands, this small act of him made Renjun flustered and he suddenly felt a bunch of butterflies inside his stomach.

' Ahh you will be the death of me, Yang.' he thought and smiled.

"Flirts." Donghyuck commented with a smirk who's just beside them and Renjun just stuck his tongue out at him.

Chenle helped Jisung through out the obstacle and he is glad that the younger was obediently following him without any complaints.

"Ji...this is the last hurdle and it's quite high though." He started and Jisung was silently listening to him.

"To be able to pass this we need to be in sync, alright?." Jisung held his hands and nodded, the moment Jisung held his hands a red in color appeared on his face and made his heart beat faster.

They moved backwards and started running, "Ji... Jump." After they jumped their poise wasn't balanced so they both fell onto the ground which made Chenle laugh and made Jisung smile while hearing the older laugh his heart out.

' This is not so bad as it seems.' the younger thought.

After finishing two more obstacles they're all down to the last obstacle which is to get through the flying objects like arrows, daggers... etc.. and get the feathers from above which probably will be needing wings for them to pass this test.

"Oh, this will be hard." Kun said and Hansol nodded.

"If you think it's hard then it is but you should not let anything hurt me or else." As Hansol whispered the rest Kun's face turned red and smacked him which made Hansol laugh loudly.

"You're not heavy, aren't you?." Taeil softly asked Doyoung who was confused.

"Why? Are you gonna carry me?." He asked and heard a hum.

"Yeah, this is going to be hard." Taeil was nervous for Doyoung might get hurt but was eased when Doyoung comforted him.

"It's okay, I believe in you and I'm as light a feather you know." He then smiled and carried him.

Sicheng looked at the obstacle then to Yuta then to the obstacle again and to Yuta once again, "What's taking you so long?." Yuta asked as he sensed the younger's worry.

"You trust me right?...I mean you should because if you won't you might end up getting hurt." He then chuckled, since he can't do anything aside from trusting and depending on him why not just do it? Before letting his pride get in the way he answered him immediately.

"Just this one time I'll hand you my life so better do your best, Angel."

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