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Author's Note: Thank you and congrats for making it til' the end :>. I know it won't be the ending you'll want but hope you'll still like it. I'll post a special chapter for all of them kekeke.


"Renjun? Are you not waking up yet?." Renjun felt someone shaking him which made him annoyed and tried to punch him but his hand was caught.

"Are you seriously gonna punch your brother? Just so you know you're late in school." With that said Renjun's eyes immediately opened and he suddenly sat up.

"What?! Why didn't you wake me up sooner?." He asked with his face full of terror, he's never been late to school and this will be the first time which didn't satisfy him.

Sicheng stood infront of him with his brow raised upward and arms crossing, "Just so you know I tried waking you up for like 30 minutes but you wouldn't wake up, it's like you don't ever want to wake up."

He suddenly remembered his dream, the same dream he dreams every night but last night it was different because he finished the dream without any interruption and his heart aches.

He looked up to his brother only meeting his confused eyes.

"I just had a dream, you and Yuta hyung were in it, everyone were in it."referring to his and his brother's friends.

Sicheng's facial expression softens and sighed, "That's nice, now go and ready yourself I think you'll still catch up to your p.e class."

He obediently nodded and went to the bathroom. Sicheng quietly left his brother's room and went downstairs where his boyfriend-Yuta is. When he saw Yuta sitting at the sofa he sat to his lap causing for the latter to widened his eyes but eventually smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"What's up, hmm?." He softly asked.

"I noticed that Renjun keeps waking up very late which is very unusual, it's like he's reluctant to wake up and all he wants is to stay in his dream world." He answered worriedly.

"Teens like him usually prefers to be in their imagination or dreamland over this cruel reality but don't worry about him Sichengie he can handle himself."

He still wants to say something when Renjun went rushing down and bid his goodbye.

"I'm going, see you later ge and Yuta hyung." He said and went outside but was stopped by Sicheng's voice.

"Be sure to come home early."

"Why?."he asked.

"Johnny's throwing a party for Taeil hyung's departure to school." It was Yuta who answered him.

He tilted his head to the side and puckered his lips looking like he's thinking, he then nodded his head, "Alright."he waved leaving Sicheng and Yuta looking at him.

"I guess you're right, do you want to do something?." Sicheng turned to the older with a smile.

The moment he got inside the classroom he found his friend almost leaving but stopped when they saw him.

"Renjun? Why are you late?." Jaemin asked slowly advancing towards him.

He sighed and went to his seat putting down his bag, "I woke up late." He answered.

Donghyuck looked at him with a brow raised upward, "Why? For the past few days you've been coming to school a minute earlier than the teacher then you're late?."

Renjun looked at his bestfriend then he suddenly remembered his dream where 'he' promised to make it up to him, to everyone. He doesn't know why he suddenly dreamed of them and why his mind created a person named Yangyang, is it because he's lonely?.

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