Chapter 15

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As everyone felt the intense ground shaking they used their wings to fly while Yuta carried Sicheng for he can't use his. They are all gathering near the gate hoping that everything will be alright as it should be.

"Destroyer has risen." Siwon said as they approached the youngers.

"What do we do? We don't know where he's headed." Taeyong said calmly but his face says otherwise.

Ryeowook who's with Yesung suddenly spoke, "As always he's headed to District Heaven."

Everyone looked at him with confusion written all over their faces as if asking 'why would he be headed to District Heaven?.'

"To Destroy it first of course." Heechul answered.

"You should be on your way, go to the District Heaven and help Renjun to defeat him." Shindong said, everyone nodded.

When they're about to fly away Yesung stopped them, "Remember what we taught you and don't ever forget it." Everyone yelled yes and flew in a fast manner hoping to be at District Heaven before the Destroyer.

As they flew away Eunhyuk came to the rest of the District Masters while panting heavily.

"What's with you?." Heechul asked.

"The prophecy changed." He said and their eyes widened.

Siwon went closer to him, "What changed?."

"One must sacrifice in order to defeat Destroyer and perish along with them."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Kun worriedly said as they continued to fly towards their destination.

Ten snickered, "Who wouldn't have a bad feeling when you'll fight Destroyer?."

"Make sense." Johnny commented.

They were all horrified, shocked and  worried when they saw a creature with big black bat wings and a long hair that falls to his waist. The moment they saw him they had the same thought of who he was.

"Destroyer." They said in unison as they saw him together with Renjun infront of him.

So they flew towards them in a rush  but was stopped when a barrier was keeping them from interfering. They banged the barrier with their fists hoping to break it but it was futile and no matter how they yelled Renjun's name he just ignored them.

Sicheng patted Yuta's shoulder, "Bring me down." He said softly and Yuta was against it.

"No, what if Destroyer tries to attack you down there? I won't risk it." He said with finality and Sicheng cupped both of his cheeks.

"I'll be a burden to you so please put me down and save my brother, hyung." He said with pleading eyes and Yuta can't resist him so even with a heavy heart a flew down and put his mate down.

"Don't let him see you, alright?." Sicheng nodded and kissed the older's lips.

"Be safe."

"Renjun! Take the barrier down and let us help you." Jaehyun said and just like earlier he wasn't paying attention to them only to Destroyer who was in rage.

"Step away, fallen angel." Destroyer slowly said and Renjun didn't budge.

"As much as I hate the Almighty One I can't let you destroy District Heaven." He said and ignoring the older's words.

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