Chapter 14

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While looking at the Palace Renjun can't help but to feel nothing except hatred and disappointment. He wasn't scared, why would he be? Why will he be scared of the motherfucking hypocrite and his goddamn punishment?.

"Everything will be alright, Renjun." Donghae assured him and Renjun just nodded his head while making their way to the Almighty One who's anger can be felt 3 kilometers away from him.

"He's really angry, huh?." Kyuhyun said and Suho smirked.

"Of course he is after all his children decided to break his rule for their demon mates, they have some guts, huh?." He answered which made the three District Masters to chuckle.

Once the Almighty One saw them walking he can't help but to clench his fist tightly and let his rage flow out.

"What kind of fuckery is this?!." He said in rage and Renjun snorted while standing with confidence in front of his father.

"I don't know what kind of fuckery are you?." He replied and the District Masters laughed.

"No one can embarass him to that extent besides his own children." Leeteuk said and they agreed.

"I can't believe this! What's the use of my rule if you won't follow it?." He continued and he snickered.

"What's the use of you being the ruler if no one abides your rule?." He spat back which made the Angels present gasped and the Senior Angels chuckled including Suho and Changmin.

The Almighty One watched him with shock evident on his face, "You!! I knew it all along among the three of you, you brat are the worst." He said and Renjun can't help but to feel mad.

"Huh! Talking about me being the worst, aren't you the worst one? You let my brother burn his wing and watched him die together with his mate without even putting up a fight!! What kind of father are you?!." Renjun yelled.

"He deserved that! If he only followed me and left his demon mate then he wouldn't be in that state!." His answer made the District Masters clenched their fists in rage because they're close with Zhou Mi and his mate, and hearing the Almighty One disrespect him makes them want to rip his head and feed it to the Destroyer.

"If you're not a pathetic hypocrite he wouldn't die!." A loud slap was heard inside the Palace causing for Renjun to fall onto the ground and glaring at the Almighty One.

The Almighty One was breathing heavily and pointing his finger to his pathetic son, "Is that what your filthy demonic mate influences you? To talk back to your ruler? To your father? You are better off with Jeno and Jaemin." His statement made Renjun laugh emptily.

He slowly stood up with rage in his eyes and pointed the almighty one, "You were against us! How dare you mention them!. You made us cut our bond do you know how painful that is? And you don't have the fucking rights to insult my mate!."

Renjun continued to talk leaving no room for the Almighty One to respond, "And you address yourself as a ruler? As my father? don't make me fucking laugh, Senior Angel Changmin is way better than you being the ruler of this District and he will always be better than you."

Again another slap was heard but this time Renjun fought back, he released a white light, projected it to his hand and attacked the Almighty One causing for him to be sent flying to his throne. Seeing this none of the Angels dared to help the almighty one for they fear the power of the Chosen Angel but for the Senior Angels they just want to watch the drama of the family.

"You ungrateful brat!." He yelled and a chain appeared to Renjun's wrist making it hard for him to move.

The Almighty One signalled Changmin to start the punishment but the Angel didn't made a move causing for the Almighty One to be angered so he was the one who took the branding iron and punished his son himself.

He first burn the flesh between the root of the wings before burning the wings that's attached at his back. Renjun tried his best not to utter a sound so that he won't give the satisfaction to the Almighty One.

The Almighty One went infront of Renjun, "Still not screaming in pain, huh?." He then raised his hand near Renjun's left eye, a light came out and went directly to Renjun's eye.

"Argh!!." This finally made Renjun to let a groan for the light was burning his eyes. Once the light faded black lines started crawling to his pupil and totally occupying it making Renjun's left eye unable to see.

This was one of the punishment the Almighty One gave to his older brother Zhou Mi. It seems that the punishment wasn't enough he made his Archangels to chase down Zhou Mi and his mate and watched them getting killed without a fight. That day Renjun swore to avenge his older brother and now will be the time he will make sure to not let the Almighty One live for another day.

"You're pathetic." Renjun spat and the Almighty One burned his chest with the branding iron making Changmin stand up.

"The punishment is done, stop it." He said and the Almighty One snorted.

"You don't get to order me, Angel." He coldly said making Renjun smirk.

As Renjun's right silver eye turned red the whole land started to shake and he glared at the Almighty One before breaking the Chains and standing up. His left wing and hair turned black and black linings appeared from his left arm all the way to his neck.

"This is not good." Donghae whispered.

"It's for the greater good, Donghae." Leeteuk answered him while proudly staring at the fallen Angel.

"I actually thought of keeping your secret but I guess that wouldn't be fun, right?." The Almighty One was frozen to his place and cold sweats dropped from his forehead.

Leeteuk being the nuisance he is, "What secret are you talking about? Come on don't be shy, tell us." He grinned.

The Almighty One glared at him, "Don't you dare." He gritted his teeth and Renjun's smirk widened.

"Don't worry father I'll let you perish together with your mate– Destroyer." Gasps filled the room and the almighty one thought that his end is near.

With that Destroyer slowly rise from his place and started ruining everything and headed to the District Heaven.


Author's Note: I can now see the end lmao.

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