Chapter 09

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"Ji...have you noticed that Renjun ge is avoiding Donghyuck hyung?." Chenle nudged Jisung who's busy focusing on his physical training.

"Yes." He answered shortly without even looking at him which made Chenle pout.

"Ji..." Chenle whined which Jisung finds cute.

"I'm talking to you so you must look at me."he whined more and Jisung sighed.

He turned to the older's direction, "Yes Chenle, I've noticed it...there are you happy?." And Chenle happily nodded.

They're currently in District Master Lee Hyukjae's class which is physical training. Like what they discussed yesterday they will prepare everyone with their powers and also physical training so that they won't rely to their powers all the time.

"You're such a kid." Jisung said before going back to the training but Chenle smacked his shoulders and glare at him.

"Who's a kid, huh? Just so you know demon I am older than you." He said and Jisung snorted.

"But you make me look like I'm older than you, hybrid." Jisung then flashed a cocky smile which made Chenle pout even more.

"Stupid demon." Chenle mumbled and Jisung chuckled quietly.

"Childish hybrid."he fired back and Chenle stomped away.

'How can my mate be so..cute?.' he thought.

While everyone's training, Ten and Johnny gave up and sat on the floor for they were pretty tired. As they sat onto the floor they faced the others so that they can see them clearly.

"Why do I feel like something's wrong?." Ten said while looking at them, Johnny scooted over he wrapped his arms around Ten's waist and made him rest on his shoulder.

"Definitely wrong, babe." Johnny nodded while caressing his mate's hair.

"Do you think there's something going on between Sicheng and Yuta hyung?." He then asked as his eyes fall to his Angel and Demon friend.

Eunhyuk(Lee Hyukjae) paired Yuta and Sicheng to be partners to his class and seems like Sicheng didn't liked his decision. While they're training Sicheng can't seem to focus and always keeping his head low avoiding Yuta's gaze which made Yuta annoyed. After he knew that the Angel was his mate he tried everything to get close to him he did succeed but these days Sicheng started to avoid him.

"You didn't know?." Johnny looked at his little mate who confusedly looked at him.

"Know what?." He asked.

"Sicheng is Yuta's mate he said it to us after we visited the Moon Lake." He answered, he heard Ten gasped and moved away from him so that he can have a good look at his mate.

"What? I didn't know that, wait... then why is he avoiding Yuta? Is it because he's falling in love?." He blurted and seconds later they looked at each with wide eyes.

They once again looked at them just to find Sicheng running away from the place and Yuta following him from behind, "Should we follow them just to make sure everything's alright?." Johnny then nodded.

Sicheng didn't know what's gotten into him but he just wants to stay away from Yuta for a while because he knows it's dangerous. He ran away from the class and found himself at the lake inside the District, seconds later he felt a hand grabbed his' and made him look at him.

He saw Yuta's black orbs piercing gaze through his soul and made him shake in fear. As Yuta saw his mate shake in fear he sighed and cupped his cheeks.

"What's wrong...Sicheng?." Yuta softly said and Sicheng slowly eyed him.

He then slowly shake his head.

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