Chapter 05

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Everyone was now gathering infront of the gate because District Master Cho Kyuhyun said that they're going to the Moon Lake where the ingredients of their potions are located and for them to see their mates.

"I just have two rules for our trip... First no escaping or else I will break your bones once you do and second no using your wings..." Which earned a multiple complaints coming from them especially for the demons.

"What's the use of our wings if we won't use them?." Lucas whined and Kyuhyun just rolled his eyes.

"What's the use of your feet if you won't use them?..." He fired back which made them quiet, "... that's what I thought. Now I want you all to behave and follow me."

After minutes of walking they finally made it to the Moon Lake and District Master Kyuhyun ordered them to gather the ingredients they need before finding who's their mates.

"Seriously? Why can't they just give the ingredients to us?." Donghyuck complained and Renjun just shushed him.

"You're so lazy, hyung." Chenle rolled his eyes and Donghyuck gave him a fake laugh.

"I mean I am excited to know who your mates are." He excitedly said and clapped his hands.

"I won't tell you who." Renjun and Chenle said in unison which made Donghyuck pout.

"Is this where our friendship ends?." He dramatically said while wiping his fake tear away, Renjun nodded and Donghyuck smacked his shoulder.

"Renee! You're so mean!." He loudly said that made Chenle laugh like a dolphin.

"Yes I am mean so deal with it sassy pants." He then turned away to find all the ingredients he needed.

He is actually enjoying his peaceful time when someone put their two hands on his shoulders.

"Hi ge! Have you found all the ingredients you need, yet?" Yangyang enthusiastically said while trying to see Renjun's face( do you get it? Basically Renjun's back is facing Yangyang, he put his two hands on his shoulder and tried to see his face from the back.)

Renjun's heart pounded faster than it usually does which made him flustered he then shook his head, "Not yet how 'bout you?." He asked

"Actually yes, Hendery and Xiaojun ge helped me, do you want me to help you too?." He asked and Renjun slightly nodded which made him happy.

"Are Xiaojun and Hendery now close? They didn't bicker, right?." He asked and Yangyang nodded.

"Yes I think they're friends now because they're closer than the usual and they don't bicker like what the other hyungs do."

"Oh right, ge some fuckers told me to stay away from you and they're so irritating." Renjun immediately looked at Yangyang who was busy helping him to pick the ingredients.

"I just want to strangle them to death." He added which made Renjun laugh Yangyang then looked at him slowly.

' Ge is so cute that I just want to keep him and never let anyone see him.' He thought.

"Don't mind them, won't stay away from me, right?." He then nodded which made Renjun sighed in relief.

"That's good don't stay away or I might lock you up."

After Sicheng was done finding and picking his ingredients he immediately went to the lake and cut his palm. A blood dropped and slowly a figure was formed that shocked him.

"B..but I...I thought?." He's lost for words because his mate is beyond of what he imagined he is.

"T..this can't be happening, they w..will disown me." He whispered.

"Almighty One please forgive me if I ever sin in the future." He was about to leave the lake when he bumped to a certain demon who was standing right behind him.

He slowly eyed him and gave a faint smile, "S..sorry." he whispered and intended to escape but was stopped when the demon pulled his arm.

"Has anyone ever told you before that you're so.....beautiful?." He whispered and walked away like nothing ever happened.

Sicheng's face turned red and his heart is beating faster than it usually does, he clutched his chest tightly and closed his eyes, " I now know that you'll be my greatest downfall....Nakamoto Yuta."

Kun just finished his task and went over to the lake to see who's his mate and when a figure emerged from the water his heart started beating so fast. He smiled, "I've always knew it was you, Hansol."

Someone leaned closer and Kun felt the stranger's breathing to his neck which made him shiver he didn't have to turn around to know who it was for his heart already knew who he was, "Have I ever denied it?."

Right after Renjun left Chenle also left and went to the lake only to see Shotaro waving at him, he smiled and ran towards him, "Have you seen your mate?." Shotaro shook his head.

"Then do you mind if we both do it together?." He shook his head once again.

They waited for their mate's figure to appear but when it already appeared they were both sorrowful and happy. Happy for Chenle because he knows his mate and they're quite close, sorrowful for Shotaro because his mate might drive( or should I say 'fly') him to the edge of a cliff and either push him off the cliff or hold him tight but he knew it would be the first one.

"You're not happy to know your mate?." Chenle asked when he saw the older confused and sad.

"This is bad.....very bad." He mumbled and Chenle immediately got it.

"It's a demon too, right?." He asked and Shotaro slowly nodded.

"Wait yours is a demon too?." Shotaro was surprised and saw the younger blushed and nodded he then felt happy for him.

"Is it that hot yet rude demon?." He teased which made Chenle blush harder and ranaway leaving a laughing Shotaro, at the corner of his eyes he saw their mates walking together and he immediately left not wanting to see his mate for now.

Even though Jeno and Jaemin already knew that they're mates they still want to give it a shot and so they did. Jeno and Jaemin's figure appeared when their blood dropped to the lake and their smile widened even more when Renjun's faint figure also appeared.

"I told you he's still our mate." Jeno said to Jaemin who just nodded.

Not knowing that a faint figure appearing means that they were once mated to each other.

"He's ours." Jaemin whispered and Jeno agreed.

Taeyong didn't bother coming to the lake for he already knows who his mate was and it won't matter even if he see his figure at the lake. While he's walking he felt a hand stopping him, his eyes widened.

"Taeyong?." He knew who owns that beautiful voice even if he block his ears he would know that voice anywhere, he then removed his hands and was about to escape when a pair of strong arms were wrapped around his waist caging him to his body.

"L...let go." Was the only thing he could say.

"Until when?." Jaehyun whispered to his ears, he knew to himself that he missed his mate's voice and his mate's warmth.

"W..what when?." His voice quivered and keeps fighting his tears that's about to fall down.

"Until when will you keep this shit up?..." His words made Taeyong's eyes widened and was frozen.

"J..jaehyun please l...let go." He tried removing his arms around his waist but it was futile for Jaehyun's strength is so strong.

"Stop...stop all of this love, it hurts." The moment Jaehyun said their forbidden word he felt his knee wobbled and his tears fell. He's been doing this so that Jaehyun wont be hurt but it turns out that he's the one who's hurting his beloved mate.

"It hurts so much that I can't take it anymore, love. It's making me crazy please s...stop it and just comeback to me." As he heard his mate's plea the half of his hair and wings turned back to white and his left eye turned back to silver.

He indeed came back to his mate's arms.

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