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*Previously in the Dreams series*

My name is Dream Mills, and I thought my life used to be normal until my little brother went out to look for his birth mother, Emma Swan. 

The town that I grew up in, nearly tried to kill my mother, Regina Mills, aka the Evil Queen, along with my birth father, Mr. Gold, aka the Dark Ones, who summoned a wraith creature to kill her. In order to save my mom, we teamed up with Emma and her parents Snow White and Prince Charming (or as I knew them Mary Margaret Blanchard and David Nolan) to send the creature into the Mad Hatter's hat portal... But I ended up getting pulled into the hat with Emma and Mary Margaret.

Stay with me... 

It keeps getting weirder.

Once we were in the Enchanted Forest, we met Aurora and Mulan, along with my evil grandmother, Cora, and a handsome, lying, one-handed pirate that you may know as Captain Hook. I had to deal with fighting ogres, getting my heart stolen from my body, dealing with giants and treasure rooms, and sword fighting. 

It just kept getting crazy for a girl who just grew up in a quiet town in Maine. 

In Maine? Nothing ever happened there in almost nineteen years of my life.

After a long trial of trying to get back, I finally confronted my mom about the lies. I had powers, now. She lied to me about my grandmother and the true identity of my birth father. I could talk to frogs and I WAS BORN FROM A FLOWER? Yeah, like Thumbelina.

But that's not all...

Far from it.

*Takes a deep breath*

Well, since Emma, Mary Margaret, and I got back, so did Hook and Cora. There was an issue over Hook getting his revenge and Cora planting a murder case on my mom. 

Then, the rest of it is kind of fuzzy, since I was either under control by my grandmother or Hook... or my own mother. 

But one thing that kind of sticks in my mind is that I kissed Hook on his ship. Like twice. And you would think that because of everything else, it would not stand out, considering that I did not have my heart at the time, but something about that kiss has just lingered on my mind... 

More than I would like to admit.

Did I like him? 

Or was I just caught up with everyone lying to me that I let Hook see the cracks in the wall that I built up to protect my heart?

Anyway, turns out I have an older brother, Neal... or Baelfire, I don't really know what I can call him. But he is Henry's dad, making my adopted brother my biological nephew. 

Crazy, right? 

My dad almost died due to my grandmother, but she was killed by Mary Margaret for revenge for her mother, Princess Eva.

And that's where our story leaves off...

My dad is better than ever. Not on the brink of death anymore.

My mom is plotting her revenge on Mary Margaret... again.

I have to adjust to having two brothers now... I guess since they are technically father and son. 

Like I said... crazy.

Hook is nowhere to be found.

And not to mention that I still have not really found myself. I'm not the same girl I was before the curse was broken. 

And I guess that I really need to figure out who I am and if I truly belong here with everyone in this town.

~578 words~

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