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I will be brutal

▸ Viv drove tirelessly down the street while quietly singing along to whatever was playing on her playlist. The familiar skyscraper building came into view and she pulled into the parking garage where the parking attendant nodded and let her in. Her usual spot was next to Taehyung's car but it was surprisingly taken. Instead, she park right across from him.

When Viv entered the building she went straight to the elevator and entered the code to Taehyung's penthouse. For some reason she was nervous and figured she should turn around in case he's busy and didn't tell her. That idea was too late to go through with since the elevator opened and she saw Taehyung looking back at her.

He was sitting at the kitchen island with another woman but they both were dressed up in business attire. Usually she didn't have to ask to enter, but for some reason she wanted Taehyung's permission.

"Viv!" He beamed. "This is Kim Hikyu. My financial advisor." The woman with long auburn hair turned around almost in slow motion to face Viv. She had tinted red lips, a skin tight business skirt and matching blazer. Her wide hazel eyes stared deeply into Viv's soul as she sent her a smile.

Viv bowed and Hikyu did the same when she stepped off the bar stool. "Hello, Hikyu."

It went awkwardly silent while Taehyung appeared as if nothing was off. "Well, I guess I'll be going now. We can talk more about your investments and savings on Monday?"

"Oh, yes Hikyu. Thank you for stopping by. And be sure to send me the email with those statements." She nodded quickly while jumping into the elevator. He then turned to Viv who started putting up groceries Taehyung bought before he came home. "She stopped by so suddenly that I thought it'd be an emergency."

Viv raised her eyebrows as if she was surprised when really there was jealousy all over her face. "So are we still making Kimchi stew?" Taehyung sighed while going over to help her with the groceries.

"We can make whatever you want."

Taehyung tried to take some vegetables from her but she fought against it. An onion eventually hit the floor and rolled away which made both of them frustrated. "Why do you do this to me?" She asked in distress.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Don't treat me like I'm stupid! I know you're sleeping with her! She knew exactly where to park!" She pushed past Taehyung to get to her purse. "You find new ways to piss me off."

"I'm not sleeping with her. I don't even know where you get this from. She came over to discuss my financial business. Nothing more and nothing less."

Viv scoffed. "Yeah, with her ass out and chest out. Some sort of professional." She picked up her keys and coat before going over to jam her finger on to the elevator button. Taehyung rushed over to grab her shoulders and turn her back around. "We had a deal!"

"And I haven't broken it! You want me to find a new financial advisor then deal. I also have a woman who comes and cleans the penthouse every Saturday. Want me to replace her too? Fine! My assistant? You want me to get rid of her too?" Viv stared at him instead of answering. "Anything you want done... it'll get it done. Just don't step into that elevator."

She blinked once as she realized her behavior. She knew Taehyung was innocent just by the way his voice changed and it would be cruel to continue to treat him like he was guilty. "I'm sorry," she breathed out. "I don't know what came over me."

"You're supposed to be with him right now aren't you?" She looked up at him with a guilt written face. "Why do you make sure his plans overlap with ours?"

"He has a daughter who already knows I'm a piece of shit." Taehyung began to massage her shoulders as he stared up at the ceiling in thought. "Anything you want and I'll get it done," she smiled.


Taehyung laid his head on the crook of Viv's back as she stared at his white wall for going on the third minute. Her feet swung back and forth as she lay on her bare stomach with her hands supporting her chin and hair a sticky mess on her forehead. Taehyung, on the other hand, had his phone hovering above his face and legs dangling off the edge of the bed as his silk pajama bottoms glistened from the lamp on the nightstand.

"There's this fancy dinner thing that my coworkers and employees are going to this Saturday and I want to invite you with me. It's at that big hotel in the heart of the city. Everyone is going to be there except for cameras and paparazzi. It's exclusive. Invite only."

Viv smiled at the wall. "Kim Taehyung wants to invite poor little old me to some fancy dinner where everyone would see?"

"Half the men there aren't even bringing their own wives. No one will be judging." She lifted her stomach off the bed then dropped back down just so Taehyung could bump his head against her. "What? I'm not married and neither are you. We could be courting."

"I don't know how I'd feel mingling with a bunch of millionaire business people..."

"Read this that Seoul Post just said about me. 'Billionaire Kim Taehyung is working on making his investor owned hospital open to a wider range of healthcare and insurance. A man who cares'. I knew they wouldn't fail me."

Viv sat up while holding the sheet to her chest. Taehyung followed suit just to hear what she had to say.

"You did it to be put on the front page of a news post that literally talks about you every time they see you're still breathing?"

"Of course not! I did it cause I knew it'd make you smile. And because I'm a "man who cares"."

She rolled her eyes. "I don't have a dress for that dinner and I can't afford one right now." She glared at him from the side of her eye. Taehyung chuckled while slowly kissing her from her wrist to her shoulder.

"I got you."

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