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I love you
and it is killing me

▸    When the elevator opened, Viv immediately knew she was alone. The quietness of the penthouse was all too familiar since she came here often when she didn't feel like going home. It was closest to her job and the view was amazing. Sometimes she would even clean so when Taehyung returned from his main house, he would come to the fun house care free.

"All that Taehyung has done for me," she spoke out to the world. "He was really doing it for us." A hand softly rested over her chest where a diamond necklace that Taehyung gave her lay flat against her skin. "Imagine, Viv. Having the Kim last name. Vivian Kim."

She twirled over to the glass dining room table where papers were scattered about. From the looks of it, Taehyung finished up some paper work but was too busy to put them back. Vivian did it for him. Practicing her wifey duties before time ran out.

Just as she finished stacking the last of the papers, her hand fell still on the property deed. In such a daze, she read it again to make sure she didn't miss any details that Taehyung wouldn't run over her. Before she could get any further, she noticed that the place where her signature should go was already scribbled in.

"Kim Hikyu?!" Her mouth fell and so did the papers right from her grip. The sight was unbearable. Her heart was beating so fast that she couldn't stand. Viv blacked out on the couch although she was fully conscience. She just needed to think.

A million thoughts ran through her head. Things like how he could give Hikyu land when they're set for a divorce soon. Things like why he would lie saying that it was all Viv's just to give it over days later.

She sat. She thought. Then suddenly, she needed answers.

What was Kim Taehyung up to? What was his plan? Why was he telling her one thing and doing another?

She fixed her face although she didn't have it in her to cry. She then gathered her things and headed to Taehyung's office a few miles away.

[Kim Tae] Got to stop by to see grandpa. I'll be an hour

This meant nothing to Viv. She had time. There was something she didn't know about and he was smart enough to take his secrets where she didn't have free access to.

His office.


"Just enjoy the magazines. If you need a drink or anything Mrs. Kim, don't be afraid to ask me."

Viv smiled at the woman as she peered over her magazine with a cup of tea in hand. Instead of in a rush to sneak into his office, she had to make sure her path was clear. Just then, a woman surrounded by her coworkers exited the elevator.

"Congratulations on your promotion, Hana! Only 22 years old and such a high position!" That sentence caused Viv to turn her ear in their direction. "You'll be working so close to Mr. Kim. I'm so jealous!"

Viv placed her shades over her eyes then made her way over to the group. "Hello!" She greeted the women. They all bowed to each other. "Hana isn't it? I heard about your recent promotion. My husband had to run it by me before anything."

The girl went shy. "W-who is your husband?"

Viv gawked. "Kim Taehyung of course. I'm Kim Hikyu? Did that mole not tell you about me?" Hana tried to hide the panic on her face as she struggled to pull Viv away from the crowded coworkers. "Is there a problem?"

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Kim, but Taehyung has made it very clear that no one is to know you two are married around here. I signed an NDA to keep my mouth shut about your relationship. He said that you were in on it too."

Viv facepalmed herself. "I am so silly! Just got back from a dinner and finished a bottle of wine. A slip of the tongue."

"And what are you doing here? Taehyung said you'd never step foot in a place like this."

"I decided to change things up since our anniversary is coming up soon. I decided to bring him a surprise lunch," she tapped her purse. "Now let me on up."

"He's not here."

"Now, Hana. Are you really going to step on my toes right now? I can easily put it in his fridge for tomorrow. He'll be pleasantly surprised." She forced a big grin on her face as Hana sighed. She then took out her key and lead them in the elevator to the floor almost at the top.

Viv was now freely to prancing around the office she saw once before for a split moment. Before she could waste another minute, she began browsing through all his drawers. She was looking for anything pertaining to Hikyu or even Hana. She was looking for reasons and after twenty minutes of searching, she found their marriage certificate and an orange envelope in the same slot as it.

Within the envelope was everything from joint bank account information, photos of Hikyu leaving buildings, photos of Hikyu with grandpa, and even vows Taehyung wrote for Hikyu. What really caught her eye was the letter dated from today.

Whatever happens, just know we have three months left in this open relationship. This has made our marriage stronger and you have no idea how much more I love you after this. This is what we needed. I know it's stupid to being reading this as we renew our vows but I want everyone to know that this is a fresh start to what will be amazing.

Viv slowly slid the letter back in the envelope as she tried not to throw up her heart. The pain was aching from the inside out and she knew that if she stayed in this room any longer, she'd jump out a window.

"Mrs. Kim?" Hana knocked. "Did you put the lunch away?"

Viv quickly closed the drawers and made sure everything was where it's supposed to be. "Oh! Yes! Just reminiscing over us is all." Viv scurried out the office and straight into the presence of Hana. "So! What'd you get promoted to?"

"President of this branch."

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