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Fame is power.
We could be unstoppable.

▸ The woman wasn't her. She's reminded that every time she came around Taehyung and he wore his marriage ring on his finger. He's been wearing it a lot lately which made Viv think that all the things he's told her were a lie. He loved playing with her heart and she loved giving him the chance to.

"I think you should meet my grandpa before his condition gets worse. Hikyu will be coming with us to avoid suspicion. Are you okay with that?" He fixed his tie in the mirror while staring at the disgusted Viv's expression. "By the looks of it..."

Viv rolled her eyes while tightening the waist belt to her coat. "I'm okay with whatever you have going on. As long as nothing blows up in my face like the stunt you pulled at that bullshit promotion meeting."

Taehyung chuckled. "That was great wasn't it? Promoting my baby was the best thing I could have done. Next, you'll be the CEO and no one can touch you."

"You ever asked if I wanted that? I have no idea what the hell I'm doing. Jaelim is on my ass about stuff all the time. I'm constantly rushing around with no clue what my job description even consists of—"

"If you think those letters to get your old job back are going to someone other than me, you're mistaken." He winked at her. "You think I'm doing this for no reason? You think I'm throwing money into this hospital simply to spend money? No. One day, I'll own that entire hospital. I'll buy out every investor in there and it'll be mine. Ours. I'm doing this for us."

"Coming from a married man. What does your wife get?"

"Not a dime. We agreed we wouldn't take any of each other's money or achievements during this marriage. Her name is on her stuff and my name is on mine. I promise you that." He turned to face an annoyed Viv who couldn't stand hearing about Hikyu. Taehyung gave her a kiss on the forehead then smiled. "I have plans for us. I just needed Seonjun out of the way and Hikyu... she's next."

The comment made Viv freeze in her tracks. "Seonjun? You took half his company from him and now you want to talk as if it's not enough. The man is crushed."

"You seem to care about him and that's what I was afraid of." Taehyung adjusted the Rolex on his wrist carefully. "Any second you would have slipped up and married that man. Where would that have left me? Scrambling to adjust my entire life. Which revolves around you."

"What did you do, Taehyung? You can tell me now. The case is over and done. I won't spill a word."

Taehyung grinned deviously. "Paid his assistant to delete his spam folder after telling my assistant to mark the email as a spam email. That way he never got it and no one else did but it'd still show up as received on his side. That'll keep him in his place and get him off my ass."

Viv was lost for words. Was she in love with a monster or was his intentions truly good. After so many years of dealing with his everyday nonsense, she truly didn't know.

"I would have done anything you told me to. You didn't have to do that to him."

"Oh, please, Viv! I've told you to leave that man since you met him. I don't even know why you accepted that shit ring. You think relationships go from hello to marry me? You're in such a rush that I honestly didn't have time for it." He yanked his suitcase off the bed then moved to grab his phone and car keys. "How long have we known each other? Two and a half years? My parents got married in five. You on the other hand have never had a married parent so I don't blame you for not knowing any better."

Viv gasped.

"Just get to the car. Today is very busy. I have to get to the retirement home then across town to my office."

Viv has never been inside of Taehyung's skyscraper building. His surname plastered on the front of it was all she saw and other than that, it was only the inside of his many homes.

"We're going to your office?" She felt soft all over again.

"A reward for being my love."

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