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For you,
I'll do anything

▸ As always. She fell deeper. His touch. His skin against hers. It drove her crazy even hours after it was over. Viv could forget the world if she wanted to. Wouldn't have to return to the hospital ever again. Just travel the open world with Taehyung for the first time outside of his bedroom. As she dreamed of a better then. All she could do was look down at him and smile as he finished beneath her.

Viv laid down next to him. Purposely tangling their legs together. She sighed in pure bliss as he reached for the remote to turn on the stocks channel. She then gave him a kiss on his sweaty cheek which made him smile. "Three rounds back to back. You could almost kill me."

Her small hands slid pieces of wet hair off his forehead as she giggled. "How else can I apologize for being so stubborn. After breakfast we can go again." She kissed him once more which made him turn his whole body towards her. They stared each other deeply in the eyes and Viv was the first to look away. "I lost so much but when I'm with you, I feel like I've lost nothing at all."

"That's what happens when you let go of dead weight." He chuckled softly.

Viv only frowned as she soon came back to the reality of it all. "Your secret has been exposed. Who will you answer to when people want to know who Hikyu really is?"

"I've signed too many NDAs to speak a word of this to anyone. My lawyer is already on the hunt to find the company who broke the rules. There was supposed to be no cameras within a fifteen mile radius and they were parked right outside the front door."

Should she tell him? Should she tell him that it was Seonjun's company. She started to imagine all the people who could potentially lose their jobs. Even Seonjun and he loves his job.

"Do you think we can have breakfast now? I have to go home and catch up on some work."


This was a risky move but anything was better than nothing at all. Viv knew she had to warn Seonjun so he could prepare himself for whatever Taehyung's lawyers had. She knew it couldn't possibly win up against a Billionaire, especially with Seonjun's cheap lawyers.

Viv knocked on the door with no hesitation. Seonjun answered it before she could even put her hand down. "Some nerve of you walking up to me. I'm going to call the police."

"This is urgent. The article your company published has to be taken down." Seonjun rolled his eyes. "You're not going to want to hear this but Taehyung told me everything. Press weren't allowed to be a certain amount of miles near the event and your company broke that. He's planning on suing."

"You're telling me all this for what? To ease your guilty conscience? Trying to right a wrong is not an apology especially since you've made it clear as day that you went back to see that man days after we broke up!"

Viv sighed. "I'm not trying to do anything. An apology won't fix things, Seonjun. I'm just trying to help you and everything you've worked hard to build." She grabbed his hands that were resting on the kitchen counter and could feel him tense up. Similar to the way she reacted when he would touch her. This made her let him go since there was no point in trying to be affectionate. "Just look through your emails or anything for proof that you didn't get the email."

He pushed himself away from the kitchen table to go retrieve his laptop that was on the living room table. Viv watched his every move as he unlocked it and looked through it all. "This is ridiculous. I check my emails a million times a day. I would have saw it."

"Double check!"

Minutes passed and still nothing. Seonjun closed his laptop then looked at Viv from over his shoulder. "I could use that against him. I never got the email so he can't sue me for anything."

Viv collected her purse and car keys as she made her way to the front door. "That won't settle well for him. Your company blew his entire private life out into the public."

Seonjun scoffed. "You should be relieved that it wasn't you."

Without saying another word, Viv left his home and property. Though she knew Seonjun had anger for her. She still was going to find a way to help.

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