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How many times have
you been in love?

▸ The ride was boring for Viv. She wanted to check her phone or read some emails but instead she sat in the awkwardly quiet car with Seonjun and his daughter. Both of them did a bit of bickering along the way but Viv was too zoned out to pay attention.

"Myun, I thought we made a deal that this would be an electronic free weekend." He stared her down from the rear view mirror as she tried to sneak a text in. "Put it back in my bag."

"There isn't anything to talk about with you. This was the most boring trip ever." She tossed her phone back in the bag quite loudly.

It jolted Viv out of her trance and she shot Seonjun a look to see how he was doing. His face showed annoyance as if he regretted bringing Myun along. Viv lightly rested her hand on his leg and it calmed him down slightly.

"We're here..." Seonjun groaned while throwing the car in park. He got out of the car before anyone else could even take in their surroundings.

The trunk opened a minute later and Viv went to get her small suitcase from his hand. "You can try talking to her at the spring. I know you two have been avoiding that conversation but I think it's starting to confuse her."

"What's confusing her is me announcing we're engaged and you being MIA after that. If you just move in with me like we've discussed—"

"I said we need to take things slow."

Seonjun scoffed. "No, you said we need to go on a break and ever since then you've been coming around when you want."

Myun squeezed in between the two to get her backpack from the trunk. She then walked to the hotel lobby as if she didn't hear what the adults were going on about when Viv was sure she heard everything.


Viv stared at two women in the restaurant who were gossiping about each other's love lives while also showing off the rings their husbands got them. She looked down at the jewelry Seonjun bought her and realized how she never bragged to anyone about it. Instead, she'd go home and admire the things Taehyung bought her in private. A part of her knew it was wrong and she did feel guilty.

Seonjun left the table a while ago to answer a phone call. It wasn't until he came back that she actually put her attention back on him.

"I know I said no electronics but my editors had to run an article through me before they can publish it." Viv smiled and nodded. "That Kim Taehyung billionaire apparently has a mistress on the side. They were spotted outside his hotel. Poor woman. He never talks about her in any of his interviews. He's got to have more than one."

Viv's eyes widened as he spoke every word. She wanted to run to her laptop but she didn't bring it and she certainly didn't bring her phone to the dinner. "Can- can you see their face?"

"No. I haven't seen the pictures but who cares. These billionaires and millionaires always have something sneaky going on. Us lower ones can only make money off of what they don't want us to know." He sent her wink from across the table.

"My stomach hurts," she blurted. I think I have a headache and I need to go lay down. Maybe we can just order room service and a bottle of wine.

Seonjun became instantly concerned. "Wine won't heal a headache, Vivian."

"Yeah, if I take it with pain pills." She raised her hand to call for the check. "Waitress!" The woman came over quickly with their bill for the appetizer that they ordered. "Thank you."

"Are you okay?"

Vivian nodded at Seonjun while rushing to the exit. She sat in the car patiently as he said goodbye to all the servers. The car ride was quick and they were back at the hotel within fifteen minutes.

Viv didn't know if her face was in those pictures or if they simply got the back of her head.

Despite being in the middle of a nervous breakdown, she managed to pour her a full glass of wine and down it before Seonjun could put the wine away for her. She was acting strange and she knew it. She also knew she would be a dead woman when that article came out and her face was blasted throughout all of Korea.

A part of her wanted to apologize before it got worse but she couldn't even look at him. Her body was weak and before she could act, she was emptying her stomach in the nearest trash can. Seonjun rushed to hold her hair back before it got dirty.

"Was it what I said earlier? I shouldn't have tried to rush you and I shouldn't have brought that up with Myun nearby. I was just annoyed at her behavior but I won't do that again. You've told me time and time again—"

"The girl is me," she said while wiping the corner of her mouth. "I'm the girl leaving the hotel with Kim Taehyung."

Seonjun took a step back as if that would make him understand her better. All Viv could do was let herself weakly sit down next to the trash as her hair covered the guilt on her face.

"I needed to tell you before you found out that way but... I've been cheating on you with him and it's fucked up. I know."

Seonjun, still frozen and in shock. "That's ridiculous. Kim Taehyung is a billionaire and you're just some employee working beneath him." He covered his mouth as he realized that the possibility wasn't that far off. "I'm gonna be sick."

"I'm so sorry—"

He pointed a shaky finger at her as his face turned red and eyes glistened with tears. "I don't want to hear shit from you! You disgusting piece of-" He walked away before he could say anything else that would cause Viv to cry even harder.

That night he slept in the car while Viv took a spot on the bed. Her pillow soaked in tears to the point she couldn't even sleep on it. She went to see if Seonjun wanted covers or water but he drove off instead.

She woke up alone that morning with a text from Seonjun telling her to check out and find her own way home.

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