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Are you unhappy?

▸ "Nurse Viv! I have a question for you." Viv looked to one of her coworkers who seemed to be in a haste to get her attention. The rumor about Taehyung and his secret lover have still been surfacing around and ever since Viv was caught talking to him alone, she hasn't had a moment to herself.

Viv wiped the worry off her face and put a professional expression on. "Is it work related?"

"It's about the investor Mr. Kim Taehyung and he's sort of work related." She grinned widely at Viv who wasn't falling for the facade.

"Well, since I'm not a close friend of Mr. Kim Taehyung, I probably won't know much about the question you want to ask. Maybe you should ask him instead."

Just then, men and women in scrubs and suits hastily came barging into the main room of the hospital where Viv stood. They were talking quick and seemed worried. The CEO came breaking through the crowd just to stop right in front of Viv who's heart was pounding in her chest.

"What's going on?" She asked nervously.

"Investor Kim Taehyung is here and he requested a gathering of all high positions to attend his meeting. That's you included. Rumor is going around that he's planning on firing some people who haven't kept their mouth shut about..."

Viv's heart almost fell out of her chest. "I kept my mouth shut! I haven't said a word!" Her coworker looked between Viv and the CEO before scurrying away to most likely go inform the other nurses of what she just heard.

Viv followed her CEO to the speech room on the top floor. The amount of people trying to take a seat and get situated before Taehyung arrived was astonishing. Viv was pushed, shoved, and almost trampled on. Camera crews were here and even the rest of the investors.

"All this for a promotion or termination?" She whispered to herself as the CEO lead her to a front row seat with her name on it. He sat down right next to her.

Fifteen minutes passed and the commotion went to a stand still as the lights dimmed and the whispers turned to silence. A few dark figures could be seen before the main lights flashed over the heads of three men. The one in the middle belonging to Kim Taehyung. Cameras started to flash the moment he opened his mouth to speak all while Viv's stomach was in her chest.

"First, I want to thank everyone for gathering here today on such a short notice. As you all know, we're always working to improve our hospital to give the upmost care to all patients who turn to us for medical care. I don't want to waste much of your time because you are all busy people and I know someone out there needs you more right now. But I'd like to announce the changes we've made to our staff."

He turned the microphone over to another man who held firmly on to a piece of paper that was the size of a notecard. "After reviewing some of the applications that were given to us. We have come up with a decision on the new president of Honor Invested Hospital." Viv immediately began to wonder why she was even here. She doesn't know anyone who requested a promotion, not even herself. "Jaelim, do you want to take the honor?"

The man bowed while quickly and excitingly taking the microphone. "The new president of Honor Invested Hospital is... Vivian Walter!" Everyone jumped out of their seats to clap and scream besides Viv and the CEO who sat next to her. Both in shock and disbelief, they sat frozen. Taehyung, on the other hand, motioned for her to get up on stage and make her speech. Against her will, her legs forced her from her seat and on to the center of attention.

The crowd went quiet all over again as they waited for her to say anything, but she had nothing.

"Uhm... I honestly don't know what to say or even to think. I'm shocked. Blindsided." She looked over at Taehyung who simply smiled. "This feeling that I feel is almost like I am unaware but I have to be aware because I'm the one who sent in the application, right?" A few people chuckled and laughed as she tried to make it seem as if she was cracking a joke. "But overall, I want to say that I'm grateful that these three men came to a collective decision, no influence involved, and chose me to be the new president of a place I call a second home. For that, I say... thank you."

Everyone got up to clap once again and the flashing of cameras started. She posed next to the men while making sure to stay as far away from Taehyung as possible.

2 months later

"It's only respectful to pay for your food, Viv." Gloria put her card down in the check holder as their waitress collected the payment. "I also wanted to talk about your new office. It still looks as if she just got it. Where's the decoration? The plants?"

Viv sipped down the rest of her alcoholic beverage before answering. "Never going to happen. I'm not staying long. I've been trying to request a demotion due to the fact that being president is a huge responsibility."

"Ms. Viv? Is that you?" The CEO of the hospital came strolling down the sidewalk with his child in a stroller. He walked over to the outside area where she sat waiting to get her to-go lunch.

"Wow!" She gasped dramatically. "It's so weird seeing you outside your scrubs and business suits." He chuckled while forcing fake happiness on his face. Viv did the same.

"My daughter and I needed some fresh air. I think it's just fate that we meet outside of work since we work so closely together now. Literally one office over... there you are. At twenty three... president of Honor."

Viv giggled violently. "Yes. Me. President." Gloria watched the tense interaction and could easily tell that these two weren't as good as friends as they were playing it.

"You know. Some would only wonder how a women of your age got such a time consuming position with such little experience." The stare off started then and there until Gloria cleared her throat. "Well, it was nice seeing you. Work on Monday?"

"I'll be there."

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