𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘥 ☆ 𝘈𝘰𝘍𝘶𝘵𝘢

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by : mysteryXX123 ]

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☁️ 𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘥 ☁️

Futakuchi hated the cold. It always made him feel stuffy and sleepy, his body feeling heavier than usual. He just wanted to stay home and sleep but the loud blaring of the school bell indicated that he was doing otherwise.

He dragged his feet out of his classroom, yawning as he sees his big, soft boyfriend waiting by his classroom. "Ah, Aone," he greets and pats his back while rubbing his eyes. Aone sends him a look, checking on him.

"I'm fine, I'm just sleepy," he dismisses the concerned look on his face, although anyone would mistake it for his poker face.

Aone was a very silent yet caring person. He was quite sympathetic and has a bunch of emotions that only Futa and his teammates could actually see. He had a huge soft spot for his boyfriend and constantly felt the need to check up on him every time. Not that Futakuchi complained, he actually enjoyed the attention.

Aone tugs on Kenji's blazer to prevent him from bumping on a person walking by, jolting Futa out of his sleepy haze. "Oh sorry," he apologetically looks at Aone. Aone gives him a look that only he could distinguish and sighs, "It's too cold today, it makes me feel lazy." they both take a turn and enter their second hallway.

"You're gonna get into an accident if you keep it up, stay awake in classes okay?" he says with a monotone voice, although Futa does acknowledge the sincerity of it and nods.

"I will stay awake don't worry, just a bit woozy that's all," he stretches his arms and sighs, "Well, I'll see you for club practice later, thanks for sending me off," he gives Aone a quick peck on his cheek as his boyfriend blushes slightly and nods, heading to his own classroom.

Futakuchi accidentally slammed his forehead on his table and thus, a red mark on his forehead. Aone looked at his with a bit of amusement and a lot of concern as he applies the cooling patch on his forehead.

Futakuchi was blushing madly, embarrassed at the situation, and groans, "Why does it have to be so cold?". Aone shakes his head and stands up from his kneeling position, "Maybe you should skip practices?"

"And let them practice without their captain? Coach would kill me. Taka-kun please," he rolls his eyes as Aone sends him a stern look. Futakuchi contemplates and pouts right back at his boyfriend, "If I'd skip practice, then I won't be able to spend time with you,"

Aone blushes, speechless for a few seconds before being interrupted by Kogane entering the gym. "Good afternoon!" he boisterously greets and bows in front of his seniors, Aone bowing back and giving him a small pat on his head.

"What happened to Captain? Is he okay?" Kogane points at the patch on Futakuchi's head. Aone just looks at his boyfriend with a telling look as Futa sighs.

"I'm alright, but our practices today would be a bit casual today," he massages his temples. Kogane jumps in joy as he starts rolling out the ball cart.

A few of their teammates continue to file in as Futakuchi explains the situation of their practice. A few minutes later, everyone was doing their own thing, whether they were actually practicing or just hanging out with other members.

Futakuchi wanted to stay awake, closely watching Aone blocking one of their new first year's block but can't help slowly close his eyes and then jolting back up. He was cold, having his arms wrapped around his body.

Aone looks back at his boyfriend who had his arms crossed and dozing off, letting a spike slip through. The first year looks at him in confusion and then to where Aone was looking.

Aone beckons Kogane to take his place and the tall boy happily obliges.

Aone approaches the sleeping Kenji and grabs his jersey hanging off the spare ball cart they had. He wraps his jersey around his sleeping boyfriend and gently carries him and places Kenji on his lap as if he was cradling the boy.

Aone happily sits there, boyfriend in his arms as the other teammates don't mind. It's a rare occasion where Aone openly becomes affectionate so they wanted to enjoy the sight for a bit more.

The sound of balls hitting the floor and the squeak of rubber echoed through, while Aone gently caresses a few features of Futa as he dozes off peacefully.

Aone loved the brown-haired boy so much, and it showed. No matter how silent he was Futakuchi knew he was loved by him and that made Aone happy.

Futakuchi stirs in his sleep, enjoying the warmth that Aone emulated. He was still sound asleep when a ball suddenly goes flying in their direction. Aone's protective instinct kicks in and slaps the ball down before it could even disturb Futa. The terrified first-year continuously apologizes and bows while Kanji tries to calm the poor boy down.

Aone just waves his hand to say it was alright and no hard feelings. Futa stirs, making Aone panic, but the latter just shuffles a bit and sleeps some more. Aone leans his head against the wall and feels like sleeping himself.

A few hours pass as Aone gets nudged by Kogane. "Senpai, it's time to go," he whispers, Futa still sound asleep on Aone. Takanobu nods and carefully sets Futakuchi aside. He grabs their things and places his boyfriend on his back, exiting the gym.

Aone walks with a Futakuchi dozing off on his back, surprisingly still not awake. "E-Eh?! What–".. or so he thought.

A panicked Futakuchi gets lowered to the ground, with him looking around in confusion. "Practice ended and you were still asleep," Aone quietly states, Futakuchi's bag still in his hands. "And you carried me out?" he looks back and still sees the gate of Date Tech.

"Jeez, you could've just woken me up you know?" Futa pinches the bridge of Aone's nose playfully and takes his hand in his'.

"Let's go home," Futa smiles at him, a silent thanks in his features as Aone smiles back and grips his hand, walking home, side by side.



I hope you enjoyed :'))

I enjoyed writing Aone's character in this shot and probably would do more of AoFuta.

Next up is rare pair hell for you people so pls look forward to that ;D

☆ Cinni

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