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Jay was down bleeding to death while Lia was seriously asking him where her son was with her sword pointed at him. Jay had no idea what the elf was asking and certainly wasn't concerned because was bleeding out in pain. Lia was so focused on Jay that, she lost her attention on what was going on around her and by the time she came to her senses, all the army she brought were killed and a huge beast was charging towards her. Lia jumped swiftly over the large paw with powerful claws attacking her. Karl, in the form of a bear pounced on Lia but she was really quick to be touched by his claws. Lia realized that, she was surrounded by Czezah's army with an aggressive bear waiting to tear her apart. There was no escape for her. " i can't let them kill me. I need to find Elvis. " she thought. Lia dropped her sword and bow together with her arrows with the intention of being caught as a prison. " they may send me to the same prison my son might be in then i would save him with my abilities" she planned. Half of the soldiers who were alive accompanied Jay back to the palace together with the elf who had been bound in chains. The other half, including Karl, who had turned back into a human, helped the others search for the map.
" After long hours of searching and breaking of pillars, one of the knights found an old book with weird writings they hadn't seen before. The rest searched the entire place but there was no map. Karl took the book but he was a bit surprised because he could read the words but he had no understanding of what he was staring at. " The wizard is the only one who could help with this. Lets take it to him" Karl told the soldiers so they headed back to the palace. When they got to the palace, Czezah gathered the wizard, few of his knights together with Jay and Karl to talk about what happened on the round table. Karl reported everything and gave the book to the king. " why didn't we find any map but rather a book with strange writings. What's going on Wizard ?" The king asked the wizard, handing the book over to him. When the wizard opened the book and was glancing through,his facial expression changed suddenly. " Give me time to find out what's going on. I will report everything tomorrow my king " the wizard said to the him.

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