ancient path

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     Those who ambushed Lia and her people led them to their village. Their small village was within the mountains. " what do you want? Why are you people here? " the leader of the mountain people asked. Their leader was really old to the extent that, we couldn't walk properly and depended on a staff. " We are not here to cause any trouble. We are in search of something and we think its here. We will leave right after finding what we came for" Karl replied to the old man. The old man asked why Lia had covered herself up with a hood. He asked her to remove the hood before they would agree to talk with them. " Is it important?" Gwen asked but their leader insisted. Lia removed her hood and uncovered her face. She was expecting the people around to react upon seeing her but that didn't happen. " How did you get here? Why are you here ? " the old man asked Lia who seemed to be really surprised. He then asked the elf and Karl to follow him and together went into a tunnel. The three of them went deeply into the tunnels and suddenly appeared on a different side of the mountain. To their surprise, they saw a number of elves moving around and doing their own business. It was a society of elves. " WHAT !, how is this possible? Where did all these elves come from? Whats going in here?" Lia kept asking. Karl was confusingly standing there staring at the elves. The elves there were a little different from Lia. The old man, standing right in front of them transformed into an old elf. His human flesh started shedding off. His pointy ears appeared suddenly with scares and facial hair.
       Bor had gotten information on the movement of the elf and the wizard's apprentice. He had spies who were living on Czezah's land. " What are you up to? You better tell me everything if you want to save your life. What are you planning?" Bor asked Czezah who was in chains , bleeding all over and with wounds and all around his body. Czezah refused to speak or answer Bor. Since they brought him, he hadn't said a word which led to the torment and beating. Bor with anger stabbed Czezah on the shoulders with his dagger and left the dungeon.  " Your elf is on the move. I think she is searching for her son. My guys said that they were heading to the western mountains. You can go with some of my knights and kill them." Bor told the wind elf. The elf headed out with few knights to complete his mission.

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