new mission 3

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On the other side of the in between, the last remaining elder, aside Zerra, with the help of his secret spy in Lusia's palace was able to gather most of the resistance groups all across the kingdoms. They were able to find a secret hideout deep within the forests. A new society of elves was established with the help of the elder and the elves were ready to die just to restore balance and peace. A leadership board was formed which consisted of the elder and the other three kinds of elves. " We need to get the rhema. With all the information in it, it can help us take back control" the elder discussed with the leaders. A team of two elementors, two sur elves and a green elf sneaked into the palace at dawn to steal the rhema. Before sunset, the team returned with the rhema but sadly, only an elementor and a sur elf made it back. The book was given to the elder to help him come up with a plan. All the resistance lost hope in Lia. They were expecting her to return with the prince a few days after going through the in between but it has been months now.
" I have spotted a group of people beside the mountains. I think they are from a different clan " Karl reported to Lia. After soaring ahead of the team, Karl returned, transformed back into a human and reported to. They didn't know if they could trust the people beside the mountain. One of the crystals was also located around that area so they had no option but to go there. " Lets just go and see if they can be trusted but we shouldn't tell them about our plan nor our main purpose for going here. Who knows? They might not be friendly " Gwen suggested. They all agreed to move on. Lia wanted to get close to her long lost son and get to know him more but she didn't know what to say. Lia was staring at him throughout the whole journey. " So do you know why the wizard told you never to take off that bracelet ? " Lia asked Karl trying to create a conversation. " I don't know why but i think it's for a good reason. I trust him" he replied. Lia and Karl had a really good discussion while heading towards to mountains. " Stop there!!! Don't move !!" People from nowhere came from all directions shouting. They were with arrows , swords and spears. They didn't notice the elf because she was all covered up with a hood on her head.

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