the adventure begins 3

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When they got to the field, they saw few men harvesting crops. Bor's knights together with Lia attacked them and killed everyone. " something doesn't feel right about this" Lia thought but she ignored her feeling and thoughts at that time and helped kill all the men. Every man was dead now and the field was theirs . when Lia thought everything was over, she saw the knights rounding up all the women and children who were also at the field. They lined them up and forced everyone on their knees. " what going on now?" She asked herself. Before she could voice out, one of the knights ordered the soldiers to kill all the women and children who were crying and begging for their lives. Lia quickly rushed to the soldier who ordered the soldiers, turned him around, pushed him and asked with anger and confusion why they did that.
" we need to leave now, they will be coming for us. Bor will explain everything when we get back" the knight replied her and ordered the soldiers to take all the crops they could carry and within some minutes, they were out of there.
Just before they got to the gates to their kingdom, a strong wind blew scattering the soldiers and the crops they were carrying.
" its the wizard!!! Everyone, get inside quickly" one of the knights shouted. The wizard, followed by an army caught up with Bor's men and there was a battle at that instant. They were killing each other with swords and arrows which were flying all around. Most of Bor's men were killed and the rest run as fast as they could away from the battle field. The wizard had a staff with a white crystal at the tip. The wizard repeated some spells and suddenly,arrows came from no where, aligned themselves in front of him and with the striking of his staff against the group, the arrows flew towards Bor's men killing most of them. Lia saw the arrows moving towards her and there was no escape.
Lia opened her eyes out of shock and fear of dying then she realized that she was still alive and none of the arrows touched her. All the arrows just passed through her. The wizard and few of his men who were alive took some of the bags of crops and went away.
Lia was frozen at that point thinking of how those arrows passed through her.

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