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Y/N's PoV

So it's the D-day. I am bit nervous and a bit excited. I have never been to a ball before and I don't want to make fool out of myself in front of COCO.

Idk what to do. As he's the only one who can calm me down right now, I finally gathered the courage to text him.

Hey. Wassup?

I was just doing final checks for the event. What happened?

Um Okay. Nothing happened. I was just wondering what to wear. I haven't been to ball before. What should I wear? Gimme ideas.

Ohh. Don't bother about that. I'll send something for you. You just have to fit in that dress. Okay?

Whatt?? Noo Tae. Don't be ridiculous. Why would you do that?

Because I want us to wear something matching. I don't want NO as an answer. Do as I say. I haven't seen you from few days. And it wasn't easy for me. I want to see your face so bad. 
I've to go for now.
I'll send someone with dress. Accept it without causing dramas. Okay? See you later. Take care❤️

Do I even have a say in this? Ughh.
Take care❤️
See you tonight!

Ball is at 8pm. And It's 5 pm right now. And as always my anxiety kicks in. I've to call khyati. She's pro at going to balls and attending parties.

"Hey, bitch. Wassup? What are you going to wear?" She asked as soon as she picked up the call.

"IDK. Tae is going to send something for me. What are you wearing? How should I do my makeup? I am just so nervous!" I said, without a pause.

"Okay first of all. Chill. It's not a big deal. I'm wearing this beautiful gown I bought recently. Anddd
*Cough* *cough* Tae is sending outfit for you. Such a good boyfriend!!" She said teasingly.

"He's not my boyfriend." I snapped, rolling my eyes

"Exactly my point. Why not?? Look at him. Girls fall in his feet to get his attention but his eyes never leaves you. What do you want? Do you want him to buy moon and stars for you? " She told in serious tone.

I didn't say anything back as I felt guilty.

"Sorry hon. I just want to see you happy. Listen, don't freak out. Whatever he sends you, wear it. And do your regular makeup. Just be yourself. You're getting ready for yourself anddd.. Tae. So don't give two fucks about others. Tae will love it too. Trust me." She said again, to calm me down.

"Okay. Thank you khyati. I love you. See you at night." I said before ending the call.

About time bell rang and I opened the door.  There stood Jimin.

"Hi. Tae told me to deliver you this." He said giving me smilea dn handing me the bag.

"Ohh. Thank you and I'm so sorry for the trouble." I said apologetically.

"No. Not at all. It's an honor, Miss." He said and giggled.

"Come on in. Let's have coffee or something." I said.

"But don't you think you've to start getting ready for the ball already?" He asked as I shook my head.

"I don't take long to get ready. Chillax. Let's have coffee." I replied as he came in.

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