Chapter 9 - Acceptance

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Chapter 9 - Acceptance

Ahrianna's POV

I sat in the filed surrounded by the purple and lilac flowers, hidden in the long grass with tears escaping my eyes like flowing rivers. For some reason I could not go any further, even though my brain was screaming, telling my body to run away, I couldn't. I couldn't understand why they would let me in their perfect family so easily. 'Yeah. Sure I could see myself living with them. And I already cared for Esme and Alice an awful lot but could I let myself live with them.' I thought about how much of a burden I would be, 'no one wants a murder living with them' I thought about when I was born. How I had hurt my mother so badly even vampire venom had not saved her. I then remembered my Father being so distraught he lay next to her decomposing body for days, not even bothering looking at me, even when I would cry out. 'From the day I was born I was a lost cause and a burden to those around me' I thought hating myself for what I had done to my mother.

"It really was not your fault Ahria" Came a voice from behind me. I hadn't even realise there was someone there, even though I could tell it was Edward from the sound of his deep voice. My memory flashed back to that cruel menacing voice that had attacked a few days before. I immediately started screaming and I jerked round to face Edward. Still sitting on the grass I quickly silenced my screams realising it was Edward and not the horrible monster that had attacked me. I burst into tears again, crying uncontrollably. Edward simply just knelt down bedside me and enveloped me into a iron tight hug. Probably in case I tried to thrash out of his hold. But I didn't, I just simply relaxed in his arms waiting for my tears to eventually dry out. After another half an hour of sitting in the meadow in Edwards arms, my eyes stopped watering, but he still held me not moving. 'This is nice.' I thought to myself. 'Could I really see myself with a family' at that thought I immediately thought about the Cullens. 'Only that family' The thought brought another tear to my eye. This time it was a happy one. Edward must have been listening to my to my thoughts because as soon as I had thought that I could see myself living with the Cullen's, he had jumped to his feet bringing me with him. I stood next to him looking at him with a little smile on my face. His fingers came to my face and wiped my tear stained cheeks dry, 'his cool touch was nice on my puffy eyes.' I thought to myself with a smile. She smiled back and took my hand.

"Shall we go home" he said, his smile getting slightly bigger. As did mine. I simply just nodded and followed him towards the trees. The word 'home' sounded weird to me. 'Iv never had a home before, or even a family' I thought to Edwards. He looked towards me, still moving forward and winked.

"Trust me, we aren't perfect. But we are a family. We love each other with all he have. And you Ahria, will fit in perfectly." He said in such a kind voice. My smile grew even wider as I blushed deep crimson.

As we approached the house house Edward lightly squeezed my hand, reassuring me that I had made the right decision. As we came through the back door I had nine pair of eyes on me. I couldn't help but smile and as I did, Esme rushed forward and brought me into a motherly loving hug. 'It felt nice' I thought to myself.

"Get used to it" Edward said with a chucked. Everyone in the room came rushing up to me to welcome me to the family and to give me a hug. Nessie had got there before anyone else could, elbowing Alice out of the way to be first and she had the biggest grin in her face. Alice was obviously next still bouncing up and down unable to stop. Jasper who was behind her simply just gave me a nod, I didn't try to hug him because I knew he was already in pain from being so close to me, so I gave him a small smile. Carlisle made his way to me next, hugging me like I always wished my real father would of when I was younger. Next came Emmet, he still had that goofy grin on his handsome face but it has grown even more. He embraced me in to a tight bear hug and lifted my feet from the ground. 'Slightly awkward because my hands were trapped at my sides. So I couldn't hug him back' I thought with a laugh. As he set me back on my feet and I could breath again, Rosalie had pushed her way through to me. She just stood in front staring at me. I didn't know what to say. 'This was even more awkward' I thought, blushing.

Ahrianna Victoria Alice CullenWhere stories live. Discover now