Chapter 36- The Countdown

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Chapter 36- The Countdown 

Ahrianna's POV

As Nicolas led me from the room, I had many questions in my head, especially about Eleazar. Nick and I stood to the side offering smiles to our loved ones and guests, neither of us spoke which was good, I was trying to concentrate. Looking around the room my eyes sought out the person I was searching for. As my eyes landed on Edward I moved my shield and surrounded Edwards mind, his and my own were the only thoughts I could hear and visa versa. My shield cloaked over his mind, which must of surprised him, his eyes shot from Bella all the way across the room, he looked at every single person until his eye ended on me. He then seemed to relax slightly.

“I’m sorry I startled you,” I thought in my mind, mentally speaking to Edward. A small smiled breached his lips as he though how nice it was to hear just one voice in his head, rather than everyone’s.

“It’s alright Ahria, what is wrong?” he questioned through thoughts, in his mind I could see images of myself, looking worried. Instead of explaining the exchange between Eleazar and I, I showed him a replay of it.

“Trust me when I say this, he is a good friend and all will be explained later.” He thought with a pained smile towards me. I tried to probe further into his mind but he wouldn’t let me, he then started to recite the dictionary, in Latin. I gave him a small unsure smile and pulled my shield back to where it should be, promising I would get answers later. Though Edwards’s non-existent conversation and mine had only lasted mere seconds, it gained the attention of a few of our family, Bella being one, Carlisle, Alice and Nick being the others, they all looked concerned.

The next few hours of the party went smoothly and before long the countdown started, everyone in the room shouted ”10..9..8..”  though vampires don’t usually celebrate each year with such enthusiasm this year was different. “7..6..5..” I could tell by the way they watched me, “4..” even when they thought I was not looking, they would steal glances towards me, and I would notice small but extremely happy smiles being exchanged by them. “3..” I didn’t need my powers to realise that, this was all for me. “2..” They were celebrating the fact this was my first new year with them, and that I had many lifetimes of this to come. “1!”

An explosion of noise rocketed through the foundations of the house, almost making them shake. The vibrations of the noise made shook me to my very core. All around me at exactly the same time glitter and streamers were released making it difficult to see everyone. It reminded me of being back in England, in the Lake District when the morning sunlight would be cresting over the hills, only to be distorted by the misty haze that lingered in the cold air. Trying to see through the dense glitter that now clouded my vision, I could see glimpses of everyone laughing and shouting. Before the clocks chimes ended I felt a strong set of familiar arms coil around my waist, an intoxicating scent filled my nose and warm breath lingered near my ear.

“Happy New Year” Nicolas whispered, his words filled me with pure happiness. I turned in his arms and met his golden eyes, I didn’t even have a chance to respond as his lips mercifully met mine, and once again we were lost in out own little perfect moment.

Not wanting to stop the feeling of Nick’s lips on my own, I pulled him closer to me. Feeling my urgency Nicks lips twitched into a smile as he pulled back leaving me wanting more. He grinned at me but before I could protest I was enveloped into another set of arms, this time I was passed around all my family members who all wished me a happy new year. I could distinguish between everyone who hugged me, some were cold and others were warm. But they all felt perfect to me.

Ahrianna Victoria Alice CullenWhere stories live. Discover now