Return to the Falls

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*dipper's pov*

It has been a month since we returned to gravity falls. Mabel is doing great, she already found some new romance. I have been struggling a little. Everything here reminds me of Bill. The way he hurt everyone, the way he hurt me, the way he hurt my sister. I know he's dead but... i don't trust it.

*mabel's pov*

I'm so excited to be back! its just as beautiful as i remember. Soos has made the mystery shack amazing! Some of its even real, thanks to Wendy!

The most exciting thing this time, is romance. I finally have a full relationship! (I don't count gnomes.) I have a girlfriend, and I love her alot.

Pacifica changed a lot over 5 years. She's kinda, beautiful, strong and amazing. She's even been working at the shack! When I got back, she ran over and hugged me. We hung out alot after that, since Candy and Grenda moved away, and eventually she asked me out! Of course I said yes.

Dipper hasn't been doing so good. He always says he's fine, but i know him to well. I know what he's thinking about. Bill. This place is full of bad memories. I've been trying to stay away from the shack, going with Pacifica to the arcade and taking walks in the wood. I try to take Dipper with me, but he's in a funk even I can't get him out of. Pacifica's been a great help though.

*Dipper's pov*

"Dip, I'm going on a walk. Wanna come?"

I shook my head at Mabel. She looked at me pittingly. I smiled fakely at her as she left, then continued to write in my journal.


Often confused with zombies, these tiny men are hard enemies. Lucky for you, they have tiny legs. With a shovel and a leaf blower you can win in a fight.

Ever since Bill destroyed the journals, I've been rewriting them with my own notes. For a few months after Weirdmageddon I did it almost nonstop. Eventually I just forgot. But being back here, with the threat of Bill coming back I had started writing again.


If Bill did come back, I needed to be prepared. I wouldn't let a repeat of last time happen.

"Dipper come on!"

Bill was dangerous, I won't let him touch Mabel ever again.


I jumped, Mabel's voice bringing me to reality. I rubbed my eyes and looked at her. She was stood in the doorway to the attic. Her brown hair was in two buns as normal, but one of them had become a pigtail. I beckoned her over.

"What is it?" I asked curiously. Standing behind her and quickly pulling her hair back into a bun.

"Somebody's at the door, but i'm scared Dip. He looks like Bill, if Bill were human." She bit her lip and turned to face me

I began to panic. My fears were right! He was alive! I had to stay calm for Mabel's sake.

"It can't be him." I took her hand and walked down stairs with her.

In the door frame I was a boy. He looked to be around my age, 18, and was slightly shorter then me and mabel. His hair was yellow blonde and covered one of his brown eyes. He had a black baseball hat on, along with black sneakers. He wore white jeans, and a yellow button up shirt. The shirt had a small top hat embroidered on the pocket in black.


I hope you enjoyed! I'm gonna start work on chapter two asap. 600 words.

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