Just Another Morning

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It was extra crowded on the train today. I could not be late to work today. I work in the accounting department for a large trading company. My boss, Toyokuni Okino, was already not happy with me. I could turn water into wine and he would tell me he preferred beer. Nothing I could do would ever be right, and if I were late today that might be the end of my career here.

We were packed like sardines on the train. I was lucky enough to be smooshed against the window of the train. As I looked out the window I could see a large explosion ahead and a towering villain. The train suddenly slammed on the emergency breaks and there was an ear piercing squeal. Everyone on the train started to fall forward and scream. I was crushed into the window and slid to the floor of the train. I wiggled myself free from the mounds of people and looked back out the window.

I saw more explosions and I knew it was the hero Ground Zero. He was never all that careful when going at it with a villain. I was never really a big fan of him. I was more of a Deku fan, he was always cautious about collateral damage, but no one had seen him in months. There had been reports that he changed sides and became a villain but I don't believe them. He was so close to becoming number one, he wouldn't just switch. He was a hero, a hero I could look up to.

A voice came over the intercom on the train "Attention passengers. Due to an emergency situation all train services have been suspended until further notice. Please remain calm and orderly as the local heros and law enforcement handle the emergency situation." Great. I will defiantly be late today and I know that my boss will not understand.

Many people on the train started to exclaim their excitement for Ground Zero and many sighed in relief. It looked like he had already beaten the towering villain to the ground and the police were apprehending him. It looked like they injected him with a quirk suppressant as he was quickly shrinking down to normal size. It was a large debate on whether the authorities should be using quirk suppressants, I personally think that its wrong. Maybe I'm being biased because I was born without a quirk. It felt wrong to just forcefully take that way from someone.

As the excitement grew I was pushed down again, this time I was struggling to get up. In my struggle a hand appeared in front of me. I looked up to see a man wearing a black medical mask and a hoodie holding out his hand to help me up. I rested my hand in his and he pulled me up. His hand was rather rough and I noticed it was covered in scars. "Are you alright?" He asked me. He kneeled down a bit as he helped me up and we came face to face. His eyes were a piercing green with a ting of teal and I could see some of his dark green scruffy hair peeking out of his hood. He almost looked familiar.

"O-oh yeah I'm fine!" I reassured him. He kept staring at me. "Trust me, I'm fine!" As the crowded train became restless I was pushed into his chest. I felt my cheeks get hot from embarrassment. "I am so sorry!"

I could tell he was smiling "Oh it's quite alright! I'm just glad that you are alright." he put his hands on my shoulders and helped me back up and get my balance.

The train started moving again and I moved closer to the window again. I didn't want to bother this stranger anymore. My stop finally came and I exited the train and headed toward the office.

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