A Story In Silence

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We live in the story
We grow in the story
We don't care for anything else
Words are our glory

We breathe in the story
We talk in the story
Somedays we do go on writing
Without any other worry

Day turns night
Night turns day
Lost, we are
In our own beautiful way

However lost we maybe
We don't fail to see around
The world which goes on moving
In silences and sound

Words make way
For more of them to sway
They convey what our soul
Cannot dare to say

Our soul if speaks out loud,
Somedays we'd hear no sound
Cause we learnt to smile in silence,
Words make our emotions be found

Silence is silent
And our voice is focal
We think our own thoughts
Coz it's vocal for local.

The voice of a smile,
Unfortunately isn't heard by many
They all want words and sounds
As if gestures don't matter any.

Author's Note

Jamming session with cchinu

Do you think silence speaks?

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