The Pages Of Tomorrow

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What's said today
Should remain in the day
Tomorrow is a new book
We'll find something else to say

The pages of tomorrow
Are blank white as of yet
The fates are still spinning so maybe
Our tomorrows are still not set.

Tomorrows are a new set
We need to decide the play
Find actors who'd make it a hit
And make the audience stay

And setting the blank stage is a real deal
The props are all so confusingly new
The actors in life are unknown too
And they agree with you on only a points few

We don't need them to agree
We just need them to believe
And if they start to critic a lot
We just need them to leave

Somedays you might find the critiques
To be the ones who believe in you,
But the doubters and shouters needs to go
And make the toxicity leave too!

And agreeing or disagreeing
Is after all personal choice,
But the real villains are the ones
Who try to suffocate your unique voice

Your voice is your voice
Till it stays with you
Once it gets shared with people
It'll have a rhythm new

That voice resonates through others
Getting echoed in their own style
The meaning may get warped at times
If the whispers been running awhile

I hear, I say
You hear, you say
Both our versions are right
In our own way

But nobody knows
What the original one was
Confusing messages go around
Turning into rumours thus

So what do we do
When we hear a lie?
Pass it from ear to ear
And wave it a goodbye

That's the best way to handle,
Not only a lie, but all of what we hear
If we heard it, it's over now
Let it go, once and for all steer clear.

Also don't believe your ears,
Don't even believe your eyes
Analyse everything with your mind's eye,
Your inner conscience never lies.

That gut feeling
That sixth sense
Usually helps us
Clear the thoughts dense

That sixth sense is what
Will take you out of a sticky situations
That sense never betrays
And saves a lot of complications

Jamming session with cchinu

Author's Note

How do you fill the pages of tomorrow? With hope, with love, with care... It's really important how the characters in this life's stage are. But we're the independent actors. We shouldn't let our part get affected by the parts others play

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