Chapter 16

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Fall was approaching and the atmosphere slowly got cooler. Ruth was sitting outside on her balcony in her rocking chair and a large thick blanket hauled over her back, wrapped around her frame to keep her warm. She seemed to be deep in thought, rocking back and forth, staring out at the breath-taking scenery, and allowing her mind to take her as far back into the past savoring cherished memories. Her face was relaxed, showing how content she was with her life and at peace with the world despite the death of her dear husband.

"Mrs. Burrows?" Annie asked as she entered the balcony holding a steaming cup of chamomile tea.

"Yes dear?" Ruth answered immediately, pausing her rocking to give Annie her attention.

"Here you go," Annie handed her the cup

"Thank you my dear," Mrs. Burrows said gratefully, taking a sip of tea with such grace.

Annie didn't bother to ask the reason Ruth was sitting outside on such a chilly morning. Since her time living with the Burrows she had come to know, understand and appreciate a lot of things about Ruth. She loved being outside where she could be at one with nature, enjoy the fresh air and let her thoughts be free. Annie thought that by doing so Ruth essentially felt free, in the house for her was too confining and she would always talk about not wanting to be one of those ageing persons who spent their last days being locked up, watching the paint on the walls strip away. The concept of time held much importance for Ruth, she would usually entertain Annie with stories of her past, her adventures with her late husband Zan and the obstacles that they overcame as a young couple. Annie could see that Ruth held no regrets, she lived a good life, capitalized on every opportunity and took chances with her Zan.

"Many persons my age," she would tell Annie, "are riddled with regrets, having lived a life but never lived their lives. And growing up, I vowed never to be one of those persons and I don't want you to be one of those persons,"

Annie stood beside Mrs. Burrows, her hand resting on the back of the chair, staring out in silence with Ruth as she sipped her tea. They lived on a hill overlooking the city and it was the most spectacular view especially at nights.

"hey maid girl, did you wash my favourite black sweater yesterday?!" Annie heard Jason shouting from downstairs. The truth is since Annie had arrived at the Burrows' house, she'd been treated like a maid by Ruth's oldest grandchildren, Isabelle and Jason. Isabelle was the same age as Annie and they both attended the same high school while Jason was twenty-five years and seemed to have a job but orders Annie around like some fully employed housemaid. There is also little Lilly who is only seven years old. Lilly likes Annie very much. Mrs. Burrows treats Annie very kindly and despises when her grandchildren are unkind to her. But Annie never complains, she often felt that anything she could do to show her eternal gratitude to Ruth, she would do. "I'm coming," she yelled back, leaving Ruth's side to go downstairs.

Annie still had her car that she had refused to give back to her father, and Ruth decided she would maintain it for her which contributed to the reason for Jason ad Isabelle developing a strong dislike for her. They felt as though she was a spoilt, rich brat who thought of herself better than them. Which only puzzled Annie because they were quite wealthy, had a home and people who cared for them while she was the homeless girl smooching off their resources but she ignored their attitudes and did whatever they told her to, with the hope of leaving soon to go off to college dangling in the distance.

"Hey Annie," Lilly spoke

"Yes Lills?" Annie asked as she combed through Lilly's hair, getting her ready for school.

"Do you think mom still loves me?"

"Of course, she does. Why do you ask that?"

"Well Jason told me that I made mom die," Lilly frowned

Annie was surprised at this. She new Jason was a douchebag and all but blaming his mom's death on his little seven-year-old sister is just wrong, insensitive and dumb. Marsha Burrows died a year after Lily was born from ovarian cancer. After she died, Jack Burrows their dad, took the kids and went to live with his mother, Ruth in England and sold their house. Initially the children, especially Isabelle, was not too keen on leaving their home and life in California to settle in England. But later, they began to appreciate the cultural change. Jack Burrows was in the navy therefore his constant absence was unavoidable, and Ruth had to take care of the children. But lately, she seems to be less hearty than she used to be, so Annie helps around the house which she doesn't mind doing.

"No, no, no, no. You are not responsible for the death of your mom and she knows that. She especially loves you very much and that is why she sits in heaven and watches over you. So, every time you feel lonely just look up and you'll see her smiling down at you with the sun," Annie comforted Lilly with a smile.

"Thanks Annie," she grinned

"You're welcome. Now let's get you to school before both of us are late," Annie placed Lilly's little princess bag on her back and ushered her out the room.

"Bye, Mrs. Burrows," Ammie called out, hurrying pass Ruth in her garden tending to her precious tulips, gently tugging Lilly towards the car, "bye grandma,"

"See you later my darlings. Be safe now," Ruth called back

"We will," Annie responded and drove off onto the road. 

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