Chapter 14

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Who's next?" Mr. Canandor asked looking around the classroom then Josh raised his hand.

"Oh Ferguison, sweet, come on up,"

The whole class watched as he walked to the front of the class with a neatly folded paper in his hands. He carefully unfolded the paper and looked at Mr. Canandor as if asking for permission to begin which he subsequently received.

"Her in Two Parts: Mystery Equals Danger, Mystery Equals Intrigue," he began, staring down at the page. Then he paused, looked straight at Ammie who simply cocked a brow in response and listened, as Josh continued.

"She seems to be a kindred spirit,

Floating rather serenely through my rushed, erratic thoughts

I'd like to think I know her,

Yet, her eyes belie the enigmatic intrigue that radiates from her essence..."

By this time Mr. Canandor and the rest of the class had long since followed Josh's gaze and assumed that he might be talking a particular individual. Ammie felt multiple pairs of eyes piercing through her and the urge to disappear took over. Slowly she slid down into her desk and groaned audibly.

"I'd like to think I know her,

But I'm fully aware that I don't

Though, I'm compelled to discover the secrets held behind the labyrinthine corridors of her mind"

He glanced at the paper again, only briefly before locking eyes with Ammie once more, "Her in Two Parts: The Known Unknown

"I often like to tell myself that I know her,

Her habits, mannerisms

The intricacies of her being seem, to resonate with mine,

Admittedly, I find happiness in knowing our souls are similar,

But that terrifies me,

Because if she's anything like my true self,

She's simply a slumbering beast that on waking would devour the very world whole"

Josh finished and continued staring at Ammie, both engaging in a stare off as the class went silent, everyone looking back and forth between the two.

"So..." Mr. Canandor spoke up breaking the silence and clapping to gain everyone's attention, "thank you Josh for that, not many of you are acquainted with the excellent work of the great Melancholy Minds so this really shows that you went ahead and did your research. Well I think that's it for today. Next week you all need to submit your poetry portfolio for your final English Literature grade. Class dismissed,"

Everyone began filing out of the classroom but Ammie stayed seated trying to make sense of what just happened. She wondered how Josh came to know that she lived for Melancholy Minds, or was it just a mere coincidence? But then why did it feel like he was speaking to her through the poem. Everyone who knew Melancholy Minds and his work, knew that he wrote about his own struggles in life, experiences with love, and the coveted relationship he has with death. Melancholy wrote from his soul and whenever he puts pen to paper, he becomes vulnerable to his readers. And Ammie knew the poems Josh had recited just now all too well, they were poems Melancholy wrote as a part of his vows for his wife of two years now. He had said all of that to her at the alter to tell her that there was so much more about her to unwrap, and he wanted to be the one to undertake that task during the rest of their life together. It was not as cheesy and corny as weddings generally are, but it was Melancholy's way of being cheesy and corny. Ammie smiled at the memory, remembering how she had watched a video of his wedding ceremony the day after he got married and almost cried.

"Mrs. Brians?" Mr. Canandor asked

"Yeah?" Ammie asked coming out of her daze

"Class is dismissed," he said pointedly

"Oh, sorry" Ammie said gathering her things and left


"What was that back there man?" Luke asked referring to the moment Josh just shared with Ammie

"What was what?" Josh pretended to be oblivious. But before Luke could reply

"Heard you wrote a love song today" Todd greeted slinging his hands around Josh and Luke's shoulders from behind, his statement directed to Josh.

"How'd you know about?" Luke asked

"News travels fast", Todd shrugged

"It was a poem," Josh answered

"Yeah for a girl who hates your guts," Todd said

"For a class assignment," Josh corrected

"Yeah, but who was it about though?" Todd asked smugly

"Hey bunny bear, heard through the grapevine that you wrote a poem about me today," Melody Armadale, Josh's ex-girlfriend and Student's Council President came into view along with Amber and Ashley the twin vice presidents.

"Okay?" Josh said in confusion

"I didn't know you were into poetry," she commented ever so sweetly

"That's because I'm not," Josh simply replied

"Well that's not what I heard,"

"You must've heard wrong," he shrugged

"I don't think so," she whispered audibly for everyone to hear and sashayed away with her VPs in tow.

"She really does not believe you two are broken up for real huh?" Luke asked staring at Melody's retreating figure.

"Nope she still thinks we are 'on a break' and continues to ward off all interested females. But I guess in some way it's a good thing. Because she keeps her distance, though popping up unannounced at odd times and being annoying, but also saves me the time and energy to have to tell girls I'm not interested.

"Dang, what has gotten into you man," Todd asked

"I told you, I don't want easy anymore," Josh shrugged before pushing the cafeteria doors open and the three headed for the lunch line. 

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