Chapter 31

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Sometimes things occur in an attempt to save us from ourselves and we sometimes don't recognize or see it because we are so focused on the disappointment that it brought. And that's the sad thing about it. It's been almost two years since Annie left London to go to New York. She had always wanted to go to New York University, and she expressed this to Mrs. Burrows who so kindly paid the rest of her tuition and boarding after helping her get financial aid.

She heard her dorm room click open and looked up just in time to see her roommate staggering in. Probably drunk, Ammie thought observing her actions.

"What are you looking at?" Gia snarled. Annie decided against answering her question and watched as she fumbled to lock the door, collapsing onto her bed soon after. It's a good thing the room was big enough for two because Annie would not be able to handle it if she and Gia were cooped up in a tiny box a and had to share closet space, sharing a bathroom was the limit.

Annie knew this routine all too well. Next morning Gia would wake up and be angry at her for no real reason, shouting and blaming her for everything. Annie became accustomed to this since she moved in with Gia after being accepted into NYU. Gia went out almost every night, whether to a party or to the club with her friends Annie didn't bother asking and she didn't bother telling her, even out of mere courtesy would've been appreciated, but nothing. Then she'd return, drunk as a skunk, wake up with a terrible hangover and make Annie's mornings hell. But outside of that, Gia was a pretty decent character.

Heaving a sigh, Annie left the comforts of her bed to go pour a glass of water and find some painkillers. She placed the water and pills on Gia's bedside table to help with the hangover in the morning.

"Goodnight Gia," she whispered, switched off the lights and went to bed.

Annie ate and observed as she normally did in the NYU Jasper H. Kane Dining Hall by herself, during her breaks. She watched as a pair of twin sisters chatted with each other rather animatedly, and she smiled sadly. Her mind wandered to her own sister for the first time in a long time, whom she had spent the best summer of her life with. She remembered her address, at least she hopes that Ammie was still living at that address and without giving it a second thought, Annie took out a ruled sheet from her folder and began writing

Dear Ammie


Fall was in full swing and Ammie and Jade were in the living room discussing going home for the holidays. Neither had gone home since they left Washington for New York and their families were disappointed, but Jade had only her grandma to go home to and Ammie, well Ammie had her reasons.

"I don't know, I'm sure Josh will be there, and I really have no intentions of seeing him," Ammie said wearily sipping a piping hot cup of swiss miss cocoa mix. Jade's brow shot up in question before giving Ammie a blank stare.

"You know I hate to have to point this out. But you sound like a typical whiny witch right now and I thought our conversation a couple days ago changed something but clearly it didn't. So until you decide to end this petty pity party, that I must tell you is getting pretty boring now and go back to being the Ammie Brians we all know, I'm gonna go pack," Jade said in utter annoyance and went to her room. But instead of getting mad at Jade's bitterness, Ammie hurled over and laughed until she fell off the sofa.

"Hey Jade," she called out to Jade who emerged from her room with a raised eyebrow, "we leave in three days,"


Walking from psychology, Ammie yawned, the effects of last night's all-nighter taking its toll on her sanity. But right now she was feeling a hamburger and a bottle of water. Soda? Nope she was hungry not asking for a death wish. Because though Ammie has never really been the salad type of girl, she tended to eat unhealthy in moderation with a little healthy sprinkled on it. Sleepily, Ammie wandered into Bareburgers with her heavy tote bag slung over her shoulders. Only five persons were in line, thankfully, so she joined the end and gave the menu board a onceover before taking out a twenty dollar bill. Just then the door clicked open and in came the guy who sat next to her in psychology. Ammie watched him out of sheer curiosity as he looked around for the line, the guy caught her staring and held her gaze making his way to stand behind her in the line. It was only as he got close that Ammie looked away and ordered her food. Stepping aside to wait for her order, Ammie tried to look at the guy again this time without him actually seeing her. Wondering if he knew whom she was or whether he followed her here. But to her surprise he was already staring at her until the cashier called his attention to collect his change. Ammie quickly averted her gaze, and the guy walked right pass her to stand on the other side. Her order was taking longer than expected so she pretended to be looking around and glanced at the guy again, but he was already staring at her intently. She decided to not look away and they both indulged in a stare off until Ammie's order was ready. She smiled to herself and left, but not before taking one last look at the guy who was still watching her.

Well that was weird, Ammie's subconscious spoke up

"Tell me about it," Ammie chuckled

Don't forget you have a boyfriend madam

"Oh be quiet"

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