Chapter 19

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Ammie felt herself being shaken vigorously and rolled over to see Katy dressed in her work clothes staring at her. Ammie sat up straight on the bed and raised her brow in question.

"Hey, sorry for waking you. I have to leave early today but Jackson has a slight fever from playing in the rain yesterday. Can you check on him please?"

"Okay," Ammie said groggily trying to erase the sleep from her eyes. "Be safe mom"

"Bye honey"

As soon as Katy left the room, Ammie lifted the covers and hopped off the bed to go find the thermometer. She entered Jackson's room and was greeted with steady snores. Deciding not to wake him, she opted to gently place the bac of her hand against his neck to check hi temperature. He was indeed warmer than usual so Ammie dipped a washcloth in some icy cold water, placed it on Jackson's forehead and left the room.

As soon as she lad back down, her phone buzzed

Good morning short friend

She smiled upon seeing Josh's message and typed back a reply.

Wrong number

Immediately her phone buzzed again

Really isn't

Check again

It's the right number Brians, Josh texted back. Ammie imagined him rolling his eyes at this point and thought amused her

Good morning stranger who refuses to listen, she typed back

Alright Ammie, whatever you say. By the way are you always up this early?

You could say that

I see, Josh replied

Why are you up Josh? Ammie asked after a while

I was feeling cold, so I got up to put on some warm clothes

Not a fan of the cold? Ammie questioned

Not really

You just haven't given it a chance

I've tried it multiple time, than you very much. Trust me, the cold just isn't for me

You just weren't made right. Probably a manufacturing defect, Ammie replied smiling

Probably, or I'm a normal person, Josh suggested

Doubt it

Whatever Ammie. I'm going back to bed, my eyes are closing down

Ammie decided not to respond and turned on her side to see if she could go back to sleep.


Ammie dragged herself from math class straight to the cafeteria not bothering to stop at her locker.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked as Ammie sat down across from her throwing her bag on the ground.

"Math is draining," Ammie whined

"Preach," Jade said flatly downing her water causing Ammie to raise an eyebrow

"Aren't you great at math?"

"That doesn't mean it's not draining. Besides I was in the mood to be empathetic," Jade shrugged and Ammie laughed.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom. Be right back"

Todd, Luke, Melody and her vice presidents were all seated in the center of the cafeteria when Josh walked pass heading in the direction of Jade who was sitting at the table waiting on both him and Ammie.

"Yo Ferguison, sit with us," Todd called out upon seeing Josh. And he headed over to them.

"We haven't seen you in a while man," Luke piped up as Josh took seat between him and Todd

"Yeah he's gotten all buddied up with Ammie Brians and Jade McCallister," Todd smirked

"What is this Josh?" Why are you friends with those girls?" Melody scoffed

"I didn't know you decide who I can and cannot be friends with Melody," Josh said getting annoyed.

"Where's Josh?" Ammie asked returning from the bathroom and taking her seat. Jade nodded in the direction of the table in the center of the cafeteria where Josh and the rest is sitting and chatting away.

"Oh," Ammie replied starting on her lunch and occasionally glancing up every few minutes to see Melody stroking Josh's arm, silently seething inside.


"Remember when I said keep the questions coming? Now would be a good time to start". Ammie and Josh agreed to spend the afternoon at the park just asking each other random questions.

"Apples or oranges?" Josh questioned

"Easy, oranges"


"I love citrus fruits. Orange is a citrus," Ammie shrugged

"Okay, duly noted Brians"

"Animation or cartoons?" It was Ammie's turn to ask.

Josh thought about it for a second, "cartoons"

"Any particular reason?"

"I just prefer the range of fluidity and possibilities I suppose"

"I see," Ammie said trailing off to look at the activities going on in the park

"What?" Josh ask in amusement

"Animation is preferred because of"

"To each their own," Josh shrugged

"So you disagree?" Ammie asked

"I mean yeah obviously. But personal preference. I grew up with comic books and cartoons have given me stronger emotions than any animation so that's just my two cents"

Ammie looked out seeming to think about what Josh just said "animation has given me more emotions than any cartoons I've ever watched," she spoke up earning a hearty laugh from Josh.

"See? To each their own"

"Uhuh, Disney or nickelodeon?"

"Cartoon Network" Josh smiled

"That's not an option"

"It is now"

"Are they that bad?"

"No, I was just never particularly interested in either. But I guess Disney if I have to pick"

"Yay, Disney is awesome"

Just then Josh's phone buzzed with a text message which he glanced down to read and then switched off his phone.

"The park or the beach," he asked

"Beach," Ammie beamed

"Because water and the ocean and sea. Got it," Josh said seeming distracted

"Hey, you okay? Your mood just did a three sixty degrees there"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Josh sighed

"Had something to do with the text message?" Ammie questioned

"That's really none of your business Brians," Josh replied coldly

"Okay, sorry," Ammie raised her hands in surrender, "you know I could go if you don't want to continue this," Ammie frowned.

"No, I'll stay here. I need some time to myself. Say hi to your mom for me." Josh dismissed Ammie

"Bye," Ammie whispered dejectedly and left Josh staring into space. 

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