Chapter 34

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Dear Annie,

Anne Frank once said, 'where there's hope, there's life'. And I do understand where she was coming from as a renewed belief in the future and with faith that things will be okay makes one want to and tries to live on. But I much prefer the other way around because if there's no life then there's no one to hope for anything, there's nothing to look forward to. The thing about life is that it doesn't always turn out well. We all don't get a rags to riches or homeless to Harvard story. But for as long as you are alive, there's hope, even if your brain tries to tell you there isn't. In the end your doubt only maximizes your hopes. And that I believe is much more compelling. So keep your chin up my dear because there's hope for you, for me and for us. I hope to see you soon.

Your other half,


Ammie heard her phone ringing as soon as she clicked sent on her laptop. "Hey mom. How are you doing?"

"Hi sweetheart. I was just calling to tell you that we are finally moving today"

"Really? That's great"

"Yeah we uh had the garage sale two days ago. And don't worry we didn't sell any of your stuff because I know how you feel about parting with even the oldest of possessions, so we are taking it all with us. It's all systems go to San Francisco, from here on" Katy laughed

"Okay mom first of all never say that again. And secondly, I love you. You all be safe now. Bye," Ammie ended the call but Katy kept the phone to her ears, tears pooling in her eyes. It was the first time in years that Ammie said those words to her and she just couldn't help but get emotional about it.

Just then Jade entered the apartment as Ammie was getting ready for her afternoon class. "Hi there," Ammie called out to a bewildered Jade who just walked past her.

"Uh hi," Jade said looking back

"You okay?" Ammie asked cautiously

"Yeah, long day. Ann and I are going for a walk on Christopher St. Pier not too far from here. Wanna come?"

"I'd love to, but I have class now and I have an essay to turn in"

"Okay, next time," Jade offered a close-mouthed smile and went to her room.


So they never tried to contact you after throwing you out?"

"Nope," Ann replied curtly

"Dang, your folks are very messed up"

"One way of describing them. What about you?" Ann asked turning to Jade.

"There's nothing about me," Jade said coldly and shrugged.

Ann stared at her for a while as if trying to figure her out, "Jade we've been hanging out for quite some time now and needless to say you know more about me than I do you"

"You conveniently left out parts about your sister," Jade pointed out

"I'd like to keep those parts to myself if you don't mind"

"I don't," Jade shrugged

"So...are you going to say something about your past?"

"I've been steady, floating down shallow rivers, shadows whisper from the banks. Gnarled hands reach for my trembling figure. I've been dying inside and there's an abyss in my soul."

"What?" Ann asked confused looking over at Jade

"I don't open up to people Ann"

"And why is that?"

"I tried to open up once and hurt my wrist," Jade replied

"Hmm, so you wear a bandage now?" Ann raised an eyebrow. "You know what Jade you hide behind a lot of words that I can see right through, but that's okay. I can't blame you because I know what that feels like. And I may seem bubbly on the surface but that's my way of handling the pain. Anyways I have to go, my roommate will be back soon drunk, and I guess you could say she's my responsibility". Jade didn't say anything but simply watched as Ann left her standing on the pier. 

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