Chapter 4

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It was lunch and Ammie decided that she wasn't hungry, so she went to the stands on the football field. No one was there except for two teenagers making out in the shadows.

Closing her eyes, she let herself be comforted by the cool wind blowing against her cheek thinking that maybe she could stay right there for the rest of the day. And imagined going to sleep in Hawaii, spending the day in the Sahara Desert and waking up in Alaska.


Ammie jumped a little at the sudden presence of another being but kept her eyes shut. Taking a deep breath, she then peeked one eye open really not interested in seeing who it was but deciding to do them a favor anyway by acknowledging their presence. Standing one bench below where Ammie was sitting was some brunette girl looking all pretty and happy. Ammie wondered how she hadn't heard the girl approach and reclosed her eyes in annoyance.

With her head still leaning against the seat behind her, she asked, "Yes?"

"Uh, I'm Lise. Lise Harper," the girl replied all friendly like. It made Ammie sick. "And -"

"Why are you here?" Ammie interrupted getting bored already

"I ... I just wanted to say 'hi' and maybe be umm, friends?" Lise stuttered.

"Do I look like I need a friend to you?" Ammie asked eyes still closed, face turned up towards the sky and head leaned back against the upper bench as was her position before Lise came along.


Ammie raised a brow at that response but Lise didn't see it as she was too busy trying to correct herself.

"I mean, no. It's just -"

"Bye," Ammie cut her off having had enough off how nice and happy this Lise girl was.

"Bye," Lise replied dejectedly and walked away.

Ammie finally opened her eyes and looked at Lise's retreating back considering how rude and mean she had just been to an innocent soul who just wanted to be friends. Why couldn't she be just as nice as this girl, Ammie sighed to herself and stood up brushing the imaginary dust from her pants to head to her next class. As she leisurely walked from the field, in no hurry to get to her destination, she passed the couple still making out,

Why don't they just swallow each other already, she thought to herself annoyed by their animalistic behavior. Smiling, she shouted

"Hey Yo, I see you both have been infected with the jungle fever. Had no idea it was mating season. Carry on," she gestured to the startled couple and picked up her pace as she broke out into laughter.

Having left the field Ammie's pace slowed again and she began admiring how perfectly her feet fell against the grass while she walked. She again thought back to how she treated Lise.

Why was I so mean? She thought, and why am I even caring?

"Pfft, I don't care, it's her fault for disturbing my thoughts and being so sickeningly nice," Ammie said loudly to herself still looking down at her feet instead of paying attention to where she was heading and as a result suddenly slammed into a ... wall ? The wall chuckled

What ?!

Ammie's brows furrowed in confusion holding on to the wall to steady herself.

"Well, hello there," she heard the wall say.

Cautiously looking up, slowly sank in that it wasn't actually a wall. She wasn't losing her mind and Josh Ferguison himself stood there smirking down at her. Her eyes widened before quickly letting go and stepping as far away from Josh as she could, resulting in a chuckle on his part.

"You know the last time I checked I wasn't suffering from the plague"

Ammie ignored his attempt to lighten the awkwardness that had just entered the surrounding and opted to apologize instead.

"Sorry for umm ..." she waved her hands around trying to find the words, "that", and began to walk around Josh to be on her way to class. Or at least she attempted to, because Josh kept blocking her path.

What the heavens man?

Ammie feeling the blood rush to her head, closed her eyes and sighed deeply. Only to open them ten seconds later to see Josh's head titled as if trying to analyze her. She suddenly smiled at him, backed away a little bit, turned on her heels and ran in the opposite direction catching Josh totally off-guard.

Glancing back briefly Ammie realized he wasn't following her and slowed down to a quick walk to get to class as she now had to take a longer route. Leaving an astonished Josh who stood there dumbfounded staring at her in the distance, wondering what just happened. 

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