Chapter 13

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Life is full of surprises. A fact that we all have come to accept and make peace with. But if such is the case then why are we always surprised by life's doings? We remain victims to plot twists and let ourselves fall prey to life's craftiness even though we know they are inevitable, but why?

Ammie sat in the bleachers, munching on some skittles, observing the cheerleaders trying out stunts and falling. She watched as they argued among themselves; a bunch of talented, attractive, slender, preppy females calling each other fat, ugly and stupid, getting frustrated and yelled at accordingly. Ah, the politics of cheerleading, it was all too amusing. One girl had messed up the pyramid and the captain and her crew was currently attacking the poor thing who seems to be on the brink of tears. Ammie contemplated whether she should intervene, though it wasn't her place to, she didn't care and besides they couldn't do anything to her besides talk smack about her. But did she give a flying fig? Not even for a split second.

She watched on as they made the unfortunate female feel smaller than she already was, in front of the entire squad, gaining the attention of onlookers passing by. They were probably threatening to ruin her high school life in an attempt to scare her into not messing up again. The captain then shouted some commands and the female fell into place with the rest of the team. She most likely got a second chance and Ammie felt relieved. She didn't care much for it, but she also did not appreciate seeing anyone treated badly no matter who it was.

"Hey," Ammie looked across to see Josh taking a seat next to her.

"What?" she asked directing her attention back to the cheerleaders as she took a sip of water.

"Woah, what crawled up your rear and died there?" Josh laughed, not realizing that her callous response was a clear indication that she would rather be left alone.

"Leave," Ammie demanded

"Hey, I was just joking around. Lighten up Brians. How are you doing?"

"What did you think yesterday changed Ferguison?" she asked pointedly

"I..." he began

"We aren't friends," Ammie cut him off causing Josh to flinch as though her dismissal had stung him. And without another word she grabbed her bag and left the stands.

"I was just..." Josh called after her, but she was too far away to hear the end of his sentence and frankly didn't care to.

"Did I just see you trying to talk to Ammie Brians?" Luke pulled up next to Josh

"Yeah trying, being the operative word, Josh sighed. "Would've had more luck talking to a wall,"

"Then why do you waste your time man?" Luke asked

"At first I just wanted to be her friend. I don't know, I was just drawn to how reserved and mysterious she is. But the more I tried talking to her, the more she resisted and my desire to know her grew, I just couldn't get the message to leave her alone. We had a moment yesterday to my utter surprise. Even though you told me to stop, I followed her yesterday and ended up walking her all the way home. She was cool about it for the most part, telling me a little bit about herself and we had a civil conversation, sharing a few jokes etcetera. But I came to her just now thinking that we are friends and she was very dismissive." Josh shrugged. "She's a paradox man and I want to uncover her, break down her walls and connect with her soul. I've never met anyone like her, and I want to know her on more than just a superficial level. I mean I don't expect Todd to understand any of this because, though he is my friend, that guy only thinks with whatever is housed in his boxers. But surely you would understand." Josh pleaded

Luke stared at his friend with a hint of sympathy lingering in his eyes, "Wow man. I do understand but think about it. The first time you spoke to this girl she gave you a clear message that she did not care who you were, how smoking hot, popular or intelligent you are or how many applications you would have in five minutes of girls wanting to be your friend if you requested them. She simply saw you as just another human being who refuses to stay out of her way. Ever since Ammie Brians came to this school she has kept a low profile, straight A student, clean record, no extra-curricular activities but she volunteers in the library during her free period, at the animal shelter afterschool three days per week and on the weekends she works with my great-aunt Ida at her flower shop to make some extra cash."

Josh's eyes grew wide upon hearing this, "How'd you know all that?" he asked sceptically earning a chuckle from Luke

"Let's just say you weren't the only one interested in her that I know of"

"Who Todd?" Josh asked in disbelief

"Mhm, he thought if he knew where she would be on specific days, he could show up there in an attempt to surprise her, make small talk, give her the illusion that he was a romantic and ultimately woo her and by that you know what I mean. But she simply ignored him and spoke to him coldly. The guy only lasted two weeks, because well his heart wasn't in it in the first place, and he claimed it was too much work for a chick who wasn't even that attractive. You know much like the fox and the grapes fable,"

"I can't begin to wrap my head around this," Josh shook his head and laughed, completely taken aback and equally amused by this new piece of information.

"Yeah, why'd you think he is so against you going after her in the first place, because the man got hurt badly," Josh held his chest feigning sympathy for Todd then bursting into a fit of laughter with Josh joining him

"I mean I just assumed it was because Todd is an arse, but this really is enlightening," Josh said

"Well he is an arse, but you know," Luke shrugged. "Anyways man, you are hard-headed, therefore, no matter what I say you will do whatever you feel like doing. So, try to be Ammie's friend if she lets you but I'm not helping you so don't ask for any favours. This is all on you man," Luke warned raising his hands in surrender and Josh laughed.

"I guess with time we'll see what happens," Josh sighed.


It was afterschool and Ammie had made plans with Jade to volunteer at the nearby animal shelter for community service for college instead of the one she usually volunteered. It just didn't feel right to turn a place she loved going to into somewhere she had to go for her own selfish gain, in addition the school had recommended the nearby one, so there was that.

She saw Jade in the parking lot beating and kicking at the hood of her car in frustration. She paused in her tracks wondering if this was a good time to approach her as she did not look happy. But she also thought about the fact that they had some volunteering to get to and she could turn around and go by herself but then that would probably not end well, and an additional headache was not something she was trying to take on right now.

"Yo, what's up?" Ammie asked as she came closer.

"No idea, it's not starting", Jade said gesturing to the car.

"What's gonna happen?"

"I'll have to call my uncle to come get it. He's a mechanic so he will know what to do,"

"We can walk to the shelter since it's not far from here," Ammie suggest

Jade thought about it for a second then fished her phone from her pocket and proceeded to call up her uncle. Ammie stood there waiting for Jade to finish so she could get an answer as to what to do next. She watched as the students went about their ways eager to go home or go hang out somewhere but either way, they all operated with a sense of urgency, her eyes wandered to a couple making out while the guy leaned against the hood of his car.

And the god of love forced a demon to fall for an angel. And smiled in mischievous glee as I longed for something that could never happen.

She quoted to herself a line from a poem from The Book of Eros collection written by her favourite poet, Melancholy Minds. He really did capture life, love and death in a way that resonated with her, that she could vibe with, and it was pure bliss.

"You ready?" she heard Jade say and nodded in response.

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