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ELIJAH HAD LEFT, AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT KLAUS HAD TOLD THEM. Elizabeth guessed Klaus had something to do with his departure, but she didn't care enough to ask. Sure the noble original was kind and charming but she didn't care about a lot of people, plus he is a thousand years old, she was sure that he is perfectly fine.

Hayley on the contrary was furious at him for leaving after his promises, she kept going on about how they shouldn't trust vampires, moping. She was reading Elijah's journals in her room like some teenager with a broken heart. Elizabeth thought wouldn't be hard to set them up when he would come back if Hayley was already so obsessed with him.

Elizabeth could not understand her because she never liked someone or been in a relationship, she likes having sex but meaningful relationships never interested her. During high school, Elizabeth had a bad reputation, and Kai had bet up a lot of guys or scare them off for her. Elizabeth liked breaking up relationships, seeing their girlfriends or boyfriends sad when they learned Elizabeth had slept with them. She loved sleeping with women or men, make them crave more, and then leaving them to dust. It made her feel important and powerful. Elizabeth craved their touch, replacing it with the touch she was missing at home.

As for Klaus, they kept bickering and honestly, Elizabeth loved it. It was the most entertaining thing that that was happening to her for 16 years. Elizabeth loved pushing his buttons, and he was definitely trying hard not to rip her head off. But she was sure she was growing on him, who wouldn't love her? She is a very likable person. Besides he couldn't kill her because she was carrying his precious child.

It was morning, and Elizabeth was singing a song pretty loudly while making pancakes.

"Will you stop this racket?" Klaus tells her annoyedly when he came to the kitchen.

Elizabeth smirks. "Not when I know it's annoying you. It must be irritating to have supernatural hearing," she tells him loudly on purpose to aggravate him.

"Here I made pancakes." she proposed. However, he doesn't take any so she put the plate closer to him. "Now eat them and tell me how delicious they are, and I know they are since I'm an amazing cook. Go ahead Niky I didn't poison them, I promise. Besides it's not like poison could kill you." She finishes with an angelic smile.

He groans but still eats them a forced smile on his face. He grimaces when he eats the pancakes.

Elizabeth sighed. "It's that bad?"

"It's horrendous," Klaus replies.

"I'm a terrible cook, my parents didn't let me use the kitchen since I started a fire when I was a kid, on accident of course," she said. "I almost killed myself that day."

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