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ELIZABETH WAS IN THE KITCHEN EATING WHILE LOOKING AT HER PHONE. She had made a Twitter account and it was unbelievable how many dumb things people would write on this. Elizabeth had a good laugh at least. Elizabeth heard the front door being opened and Hayley talking to an unknown voice. Maybe they would have some entrainment because she was going insane with boredom in this house.

Klaus was being more and more absent. The maids were compelled and were acting like some freaking zombies. They weren't answering any of Elizabeth's questions, it was like talking to a wall honestly. Hayley was cool but Elizabeth was annoyed to be only in her presence. Elizabeth was utterly bored and she felt extremely trapped. Being in this home constantly felt suffocating. She was beginning to feel anxious.

Elizabeth wanted to meet new people, have fun, live basically however she was cursed with bad luck. She was beginning to think that this baby was too much trouble, and she wasn't fit to be a mother anyway. Elizabeth didn't care about people or their feelings, she was selfish. Maybe it was better if it wasn't born. It wouldn't be hurt by having a shitty mother like herself, and she didn't care that Klaus wanted this baby or whatever. It didn't seem like he cared can't much about the baby anyway.

"Right. You're that witch my brother, Klaus, knocked up. I was expecting to see some kind of supernatural, miracle baby bump. Guess you're not showing yet. It's Elizabeth, isn't it?" Elizabeth heard someone say.

Elizabeth interrupted the scene smirking. "Actually, I'm the guilty one. That's my werewolf BFF, hayls.  I'm not a witch though, but a siphon, I know it's amazing..." Elizabeth said smugly. "You must be Monica the original sister." she examined the blonde girl with a smile on her lips. "humm I thought Elijah got all the looks and charm in the family, but I was the wrong blondie, you are freaking hot. You are like Pamela Anderson from Baywatch, you know lifeguards, the hot one?"

Rebekah looks at Elizabeth confused. The siphon girl on the other hand doesn't stop smirking.

"My name is Rebekah," she tells to Elizabeth annoyed, crossing her arms.

"That's what I said," Elizabeth told her innocently.

Rebekah scoffs. "Nik wasn't enough, you want to jump in beds with all originals. Are you some kind of original groupie?"

Elizabeth laughs not offended in the slightest. This was entraining and she was enjoying annoying this very hot version of Pamela Anderson.

"Stop." Hayley interrupts them. "Lizzie is doing this on purpose she likes to push people's buttons, calling them by nicknames or by wrong names and flirting. It's her thing." Hayley explained.

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