Chapter 1

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 "You have to have something in mind for the future!"

"Nope, I got nothing," I sighed.

Mahi and I strolled side by side through Blossom Park, catching up for the first time in two weeks.

That may not seem like much time apart, but to us, it was a lifetime. Mahi is my best friend, and we have seen each other at least twice a week since we met in 5th grade.

"Well actually . . . " I added tentatively, "what if I . . . became a hero?"

I've never really had a drive for anything. I mean, I do have drive. I have loads of it. I just need something to put it into, but nothing ever piqued my interest. 

However, the idea of being a hero has been bouncing around in my head lately. I've always been motivated academically, and I do like helping others.

Mahi did a shameful job of holding back a snort.

"What?!" I glared.

"Sorry, but that's ridiculous," he snickered. "You bearly even use your quirk! All you know is that you can swoosh around air!"

"Fuck you! Maybe I want to be a hero! I mean, what's stopping me, huh?" I thought out loud.

"Fine then! Do whatever you want! Jeez, you really need to calm down," he chuckled.

"I will do whatever I want!" I said, crossing my arms. We walked in silence for a second until he snorted, making me laugh. We exploded in a fit of giggles, laughing hysterically at nothing.


Four Months Later

The sun reflected off the majestic gold UA logo that sat atop the archway leading to the school, blinding me for a moment.

I can't believe I'm really here. Four months later, and I have learned so much about what it will take to become a pro hero.

 I was forced out of my thought by someone shoving past me.

"Get out the way, bitch!"

I saw the spiky blonde hair of the culprit and began spewing expletives. Then . . . he was gone! He had slipped through the crowd of hero hopefuls, disappearing as fast as he appeared.


Present Mic explained the entrance exam to an auditorium of 15-year-olds, and we were led to our respective battle centers.

"GET MOVING!!! There are no countdowns in real battles! RUN RUN RUN!!!!"

While some looked confused, most of the group, including me, sprinted into the faux city. I immediately curved air under me and began to rise above the crowd, riding the current like a surfer, a trick I recently learned. 

It was a struggle, but once I got my balance I sped forward rising above the buildings.

Spotting a robot labeled with a big '2', I dove down to the robot's eye level and blasted air in its face. With the other hand, I pulled a current under the robot's feet towards me. 

The hunk of metal lost balance and crashed to the ground. I sped down to finish it off, but before I could, a boy skidded around the corner and annihilated the robot's head.

"What the FUCK?!?!" I bellowed, feeling cheated out of my first two points.

"THAT'S FIFTEEN!!!" the boy grinned maniacally, punching the air.

I recognize that voice! I looked at him closer. That hair!

"You're the bastard that fucking pushed me!" I yelled.

"SHUT YOUR TRAP EXTRA!" he screamed, blasting away.

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