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Dona groaned as she sat up in her plush bed sleepily, it was her 100th night at the Quagmire's and she hadn't heard a thing about her mother, except that almost forgotten call from Jacquelyn so long ago. The thoughts of her mother's whereabouts often slipped from her mind when she was with the Quagmire's, but the thought of her still haunted Dona's mind while she lay tossing and turning in bed.

Dona presumed the Quagmire parents would be returning that night, seeing as missions only lasted so long, but she chose not to tell the triplets that, not wanting to pique there interest only to be disappointed that they didn't show up.

Dona had slowly gotten ready that morning. The same as usual, shower, get dressed, secretly smoke outside, douse herself in perfume to rid the smell of the cigarette, move on with her day's half-made plans.

She had thrown on her usual plaid pants and sweater that day and was currently outside lighting her cigarette when the door suddenly opened, not only scaring the crap out of her, but also causing her to burn herself with her cigarette. "Fuck!" She screeched.
"Dona?" She looked up to be met with the shocked face of Quigley Quagmire. She held the cigarette that was now burnt out on her throbbing band behind her back, in hopes of Quigley not noticing.
"What are you doing out here?" He asked, a confused expressions painted across his face.
"Oh, nothing really, I just wanted to be outside for a bit." Dona half smiled, hoping for him to buy her bullshit.
"Yeah right, you wouldn't go outside unless you had to. You're the living definition of a couch potato." He laughed. Dona rolled her eyes and groaned, she would have to tell him. She held up the crushed cigarette in her burnt hand and grimaced at the face Quigley made at her.
"Really Dona? You're smoking? And you burnt your hand!! God you can be really stupid sometimes you know that." He scolded.
"I know, I know, I shouldn't be smoking. But can we focus on the situation at hand! I've got a 67 degree burn here!" "C'mon, we've got bandaids and stuff in the kitchen." He gripped her none burnt hand and dragged her inside the house. Dona had kicked the cigarette to the side before coming inside, wanting to leave the evidence outside.

Quigley threw open the cabinet doors to reveal a variety of first aid supplies. He pulled out a bandaid and rubbing alcohol. "I don't really know what I'm doing, so let's just say I'm cleaning the wound with this, and protecting it with this." He said as she cleaned and bandaged her wound. Dona watched his eyes closely as he cleaned her up. How caring he looked making sure she would be okay. He looked up to her eyes to see the already staring at him. She turned to look away but he cupped her left cheek not letting her. Both of them stared deep into the others eyes, not wanting to look away. "Quigley." Dona softly whispered. He shushed her quietly before leaning toward her, connecting his lips with hers. Their relationship had been a bit odd since they last kissed, but they both so badly wanted to do it again.

Dona's hands went to his neck while one of his still rested on her cheek, the other on her waist. Dona deepened the kiss, leaning toward him slightly, both still new at this whole kissing thing, but both so desperately wanting the other. "WHAT IS HAPPENING!" Someone shrieked from the doorway. They disconnected quickly, still holding each other, but looking to see Isadora and Duncan in the doorway looking absolutely shocked.

"Uh, hey guys." Dona awkwardly said, waving in their direction with one of her now removed hands from Quigley's neck. Before anyone could say something again, they heard the front door opening. "Please don't say anything to them!" Dona pleaded, not wanting people she had known he whole life it know she had practically been making out with their son. Quigley nodded vigorously in agreement. Both Duncan and Isadora reluctantly agreed and ran up to meet them parents, hugging them both. "How did you hurt your leg?" Quigley asked their father. "Breaking out prison in Peru" he smartly remarked, making Quigley think it was sarcasm.

Dona was leaning against the wall behind the family a bit, not wanting to impede on their reunion. "Dona, kept the kids outta trouble for us?" Mr. Quagmire asked her. "I tried my best." Dona laughed. Dona was wrapped in a hug by Mrs. Quagmire, which was gladly returned, liking the feeling of having a mother's hug again. "Did everything go okay with escaping?" Dona whispered to her. Mrs. Quagmire nodded curtly before bringing in any luggage they had with them.

"So, you two care to tell us what was going on in the kitchen earlier?"


Wow, I updated again! Thank you so so so much for 150 reads!!!! This story really does kind of suck, but I'm glad it's being read! I hope you enjoyed, and remember to sleep!


Edited: Not Yet

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