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Dona jolted awake, sitting up on the bed. She panted heavily from the nightmare she had been having. She had been having them for some time since she had lost her mother. She groaned when she saw the clock on her bed stand read 12:38 a.m. She slid out from her covers and ran her fingers through her hair, yawning, as she ambled down the hall of the large Quagmire mansion.

She was just outside the door of the kitchen when she heard voices from inside, her interest piqued, she leaned toward the door and listened intently. The voices were muffled to Dona, but she identified them as Mrs. Quagmire and Quigley's.

"Do you smell something, mother?" Quigley asked, pulling the cup of cider down from his lips. "Smoke?" She asked, confusedly. Dona smelled it too, and then saw a lick of fire emerging from the library. She pushed open the door to the kitchen and screeched,"The house is on fire!" The two Quagmire's nearly dropped their mugs, they looked from Dona, to each other, back to Dona, and started moving. "Dona, you and Quigley go into the tunnels, I'll meet you there. Do you have your spyglass?" Mrs. Quagmire asked, flinging open the hatch leading down the rickety ladder to the tunnels below. "Uh, yeah, yeah it's right here." Dona sputtered. Stepping toward the hatch, feeling Quigley's hand grip hers tightly. "Okay, down you go, I'll meet you there." She assured. The two kids hurried down the ladder and the last thing Dona saw was flames and falling ceiling.

The two waited minutes, growing more anxious with every passing moment. "Why hasn't she come down here yet?!" Dona exclaimed as she paced in front of the ladder, gripping the spyglass in her pocket. Quigley leaned rigidly against the wall beside the ladder,"I don't know." Dona stopped pacing and stepped on the second rung of the ladder, pushing at the trapdoor to open it, but with no avail. "Quigley," she turned to him with a horrified expression painted across his face,"It's stuck, I can't open it." He jumped up and moved beside her, both of them barely fitting on the small rung of ladder, they pushed and banged on the trapdoor, hoping for one small molecular amount of movement, only to be disappointed.

As the time passed they both lost hope, she wasn't coming back. Dona's grip on her spyglass tightened in her pocket, afraid of losing one of her last connections to VFD. Dona quietly cleared her throat, not wanting to startle Quigley, seeing how upset he was over the loss of his family, as he should obviously be,"Uh, we might want to, uh, maybe start walking, these tunnels are pretty crazy and I don't know them all that well" Dona quietly muttered, keeping her gaze on the crack on the floor she had been so intently staring into. Quigley stood up from his position on the floor and sighed loudly,"Yeah I guess we should." He stuck a hand out for Dona to grab hold of, which she gladly accepted, and the two started their walk down the tunnels, not bothering to let go of the others hand.

What seemed to be hours had passed. Their legs burned from the walking as they passed sign after sign, ladder after ladder, and staircase after staircase, the tunnels seemed never ending. "Good god, I feel like death itself." Dona groaned as they passed yet another sign. "Well then let's find a place to stop." Quigley suggested in an almost no toned voice, gesturing to the nearest sign, one that read Montgomery across a concrete door frame leading to rickety stairs. Dona vaguely recognized the name from meetings and such she had been attending with VFD since she was a baby. Dona shrugged and released Quigley's hand from hers and started up the stairs.

She had pushed the hatch open leading to a long gravel driveway leading to a beautiful house surrounded in hedges trimmed to look like snakes, toads, and other animals pertaining to those. Quigley soon followed and stopped short when he saw the house before them, it was gorgeous.

"Holy hell, Quigley's. You seein' this shit too?" Dona asked, gesturing weakly to the house. He just nodded not breaking eye contact with the house. They both slowly ambled toward the house, taking in not only the beautiful surroundings, but also taking note of the very pungent scent in the air, making both want to gag.

Dona rapped her rough knuckles on the door, praying for no answer. After they waited many minutes and rang the bell many times, they had concluded the house was most likely deserted. Dona pulled a pin out of her pocket and began to pick the lock. Moments later a click was heard and Dona twisted the knob to open the door.

The two stepped inside to be met with a freezing cold blast of air, even cold against the wind of the night, and not a single light to be seen, it was almost pitch black. The floors creaked beneath their slow steps, and the door creaked to a close when Dona pushed in behind her. They noticed a door at the back of the house that lay slightly ajar and covered in gears, buttons, and levers. Quigley was visibly shaken, not only had he lost his entire family for lord knows how long, he was now committing what was technically breaking and entering, and stuck in the middle of nowhere. Dona gripped his hand reassuringly and sent him a comforting smile, pulling him with her toward the room, both to be shocked by the sight inside.


Yet another lame excuse for a chapter! At least they're getting longer! Again, thanking you all so so much for reading this story, I really never expected it to get anything so this is beyond exciting. Hope you enjoyed and get some sleep (:

Edited: Not Yet

Also! Thank you to everyone who is voting on this story! You are very appreciated!!

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