Chapter 1-Intro

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Brook's entry
L.A California, 100 degrees during summertime. Hated the heat sometimes because it made me sweat and made me feel weak.

I fought it though because my friends and I loved to have a good time. Christina, Dakota, Alina & I all hung out together during summer and at school.

We known each other since middle school and have been best friends ever since. They felt like my second family considering the fact I knew everything about them.

I loved them to death like they were my sisters. I couldn't imagine life without them because we been together for 7 years.

That wasn't long but it felt like it for this friendship nothing but love was passed around.

All of us came from different households but that didn't stop us from being friends. We left the problems behind at home and lived like teenagers should.

I was 5'5 with wild ginger-brown curly hair, a mole on my cheek, big lips, brown skin and was skinny.

I loved the body I was in though, I felt like nobody could make me feel bad about it except for myself.

I had just turned 18 and was the oldest of out the group, I didn't want to say it but I was the ring leader out of my friends.

I was the one who got us in trouble the most. I didn't care though because I lived with my grandparents and they didn't do much about my behavior.

Just gave me a long boring speech about why I shouldn't do what I did. My parents lived in New York, and that's where I was originally from.

Eventually they got tired of me and sent me off to my grandparents house thinking I'll be any better.

The only thing my parents did for me by sending me down here was make it easier for me to do what I wanted.

I've been with them since my 6th grade year and been here ever since. Every summer was wild and adventurous when my friends and I linked up but nothing will be like this summer/school year.

Dakota's entry
Being at home felt I was being trapped, kept away from my true personality that was.

I had to pretend to be the perfect little daughter and make absolutely no fuck up's what so ever.

It was a lot of pressure on my back considering the fact that my oldest sister, Autumn was forced to moved out at the age of 17.

She got pregnant by her drug dealing boyfriend that she tried to keep a secret for the longest.

I was told to not speak to Autumn what so ever, under no circumstances. That hurt me because I had missed having an older sister and I was the only kid now so it was nobody there to give me advice.

I wanted to talk to her about things I was going though, you know the shit you couldn't talk about with your parents.

They didn't realize that though they just adored their little perfect daughter they could brag on at holiday dinners and after church service.

Meanwhile I suffered in the dark but they wouldn't know that because they didn't care to. I was grateful for my friends though because they distracted me from all the ugly shit that was going on.

I was 5'6, with long curly blonde hair, slim-thick, fair sized lips and white skin.

My birthday was coming up soon but I didn't know what to do. I was indecisive about it like what do you do on your 18th birthday?

I was the only white friend out of the group and it kind of made me feel singled out. My friends didn't see color though because all of us were beautiful and unique in our own way.

The times we had together were unbelievable, when we linked up time felt like it didn't exist because we were too busy having too much fun.

This summer and this school year would be different though...I already had that gut feeling.

Christina's entry
I was the richest loser I knew. Darkskin, thick, full lips, 5'7, with jet black curly hair that stopped at my neck.

The only reason I called myself a loser was because I barely went to class, got drunk as fuck at parties and had sex with a number of niggas.

I didn't think anything was wrong though because it was nobody there to judge me.

Besides nobody knew my body count but me so from the looks of it, it looked like I was living the American dream.

All because  I had a really big house, had a maid and my parents were never home.

What they didn't know was that I wished my parents were around more instead of always traveling here and there for work.

It sucked being the only child because I had nobody there at the house with me except for my maid and she was more of a mom than my own mom was to me.

My friends always complained about how their parents were annoying and they wished they had my life but the only people who wish to have actual parents were Brook and I.

It just felt like nobody cared about us but us and that was okay, until it wasn't.

So far high school wasn't bad but we all had changed a little bit. Everybody was going through puberty and our interest in boys grew stronger than what it was before.

Everybody was having sex except for Alina and I kind of felt bad for her because she wasn't like us...she was different.

It was a sisterhood though so we stuck beside each other no matter what, the love was unbearable.

Alina's Entry
Short, fat, ugly with long hair...that's what I saw when I looked in my mirror.

My friends tried to make me feel beautiful by telling me I wasn't fat but thick but I didn't care to hear what they had to say.

I felt like it was all just to make me feel better about myself but I knew what I saw when I looked in that mirror.

I was disappointed every time, so I decided to start cutting my diet short. I was Puerto Rican so my family cooked a big feast for  every dinner we had but I decided to only have a small portion so I could be able to lose weight.

I wanted this weigh loss so bad because I got tired of the boys calling me names about it. It hurt me but I didn't show it, I just stayed quiet and pretended like it didn't bother me.

My friends were there for me every step of the way and so was my family but I just felt all alone for some strange reason.

It just felt like nobody was listening to me when I spoke or expressed my feelings. Apparently to them I was over reacting but how can you blame me for wanting to change?

I kept quiet though because maybe they were right and honestly I didn't have the heart to stand up to them.

I was in a weird space, easily peer pressured and was easy to walk over. I hated being the push over of the group but I didn't want to seem lame.

I wanted my friends to like me and to think I was cool.

As for my family, I just wanted them to love me even if they loved me for somebody that I wasn't.

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