Chapter 69 - Wounded Bird

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Fresh's POV

Snow lightly fell outside as I slowly drank from my iced coffee. I was sitting in the café and staring out the window. A few minutes ago, there was a protest group that walked by.

'Seems people are still protesting about monsters.'

When I was fixing to turn away from the window, I saw Crow and a little kid walking next to him. The child was dressed in a black traditional kimono with a bow tied on the back. A parasol was in one hand and a doll in the other. The difference between the two's clothing was astronomical. There was only one similarity, they both had lavender eyes.

I jumped off my seat and rushed out the café. Waving to catch Crow's attention, he stopped to wait for me. He smiled as I got closer.

Me: Sup Crow. What are doing?

Crow: Going for a walk with my little brother. His name is Porcel.

The little kid stared at me but didn't make a move to wave. He stayed silent until Crow spoke.

Crow: Porcel, what do we say?

Porcel: Hello sir.

Me: Hi.

Crow: Cel, how about you run home.

Crow whispered something to Porcel that I couldn't make out. The kid nodded and then walked off.

Crow: Sorry about him, he doesn't really trust strangers.

Me: It's okay. So um, what are you planning on doing now?

Crow: I don't know... smoke a bag of weed, commit some crimes, set a building on fire. Nothing that exciting.

I let out a short laugh at the little effort he put into his humor. He smiled back at me as he adjusted his leather jacket. I realized there was something on his neck. Pulling back his collar, I saw a bandage covering something. It looked like a wound of some sorts. His lavender eyes showed nervousness as I observed the bandage.

Me: What happened?

Crow: I just got hit by something. You know how little kids are. The little shits.

He pulled away and hid the wound under his jacket once more. I stared at him until I brushed it off. It sounded like he was telling the truth. Then again, he could be a really good liar.

Crow: Change of subject. There's a movie playing at The Theatre that I really want to see. Wanna come?

Me: Sure.

The Theatre was a kind of like a movie theater and a tavern mixed into one. It was cheaper since some people can't afford to go to a fancy theater.

As we walked down the street, I couldn't help but think about the bandage of Crow's neck.

'What are you hiding from me?'

In about a few minutes, we arrived at The Theatre. Crow and I walked in to just watch a movie. However, since it was also a restaurant, I may have ordered food for us.

(Time Skip)

Around half of the movie was left when I looked over at my friend. He was curled into a ball and quietly sleeping. I took this as my opportunity to see what his secret was.

Carefully peeling back the bandage, I saw what was under it. It was horrifying to me. On his was neck was a third-degree burn. It looked to be concentrated in one spot. Either his injury was caused by fire or electricity.

He started to stir awake. Covering the wound up again, I quickly went back to my spot.

Crow: How much did I miss?

He whispered.

Me: Not much. The movie hasn't reached its conflict yet.

Crow: Oh good.

He looked so happy, I didn't understand it. Did he just completely forget about the injury on his body? I knew he wouldn't feel pain as people with third-degree burns don't feel anything because that general area is damaged entirely.

(Time Skip)

We were hanging out in my room when I finally said something.

Me: I saw the injury on your neck.

He didn't seem surprised.

Crow: Did you now?

Me: Are there anymore?

Crow: Yes, there are a lot more.

Me: Can I see them?

He stood up and removed his jacket. I turned my head as he took off his shirt. When I looked back, I blushed when I saw his uncovered torso. He didn't see it since he was facing away from me. Once I got a better look, I realized that there were scars on his ribs. They were everywhere.

Me: Where did you get these?

Crow: Let's just say... I have bad luck.

Before I got too invested, Crow put his shirt back on. I couldn't begin to imagine how many stories these things could have. I was so surprised. All this time, he could've been hurt and I didn't know about it. He turned around to face me.

Me: Why didn't you tell me?

Crow showed a sad expression.

Crow: I didn't want you to know.

Me: Why?

Crow: Because... because I didn't want to lose a friend.

I hugged him. He froze until he raised his arms and returned the hug. Lightly patting my back, he rested his head on my shoulder. His grip slightly got tighter. I adjusted my shades after we pulled away. Crow rubbed the back of his neck. A chime came from his phone.

Crow: I got a text from Quinn. Seems Mada- I mean, mom wants me home.

I knew Quinn. He always tagged along with Crow and I when we were hanging out with friends. The sixteen year old loves to gamble and make bets. I thought he was pretty cool.

Crow: I have to get going. I'll see you tomorrow.

Me: Okay.

He turned and left my room. I heard him say goodbye to Geno and Reaper before he left. I sat on my bed as I thought about today.

'Why did he have that burn on his neck?'

Then, my mind went to the scars on his torso. They were covering him entirely. His pale bones decorated with old wounds. I don't remember his skeletal body being that strongly built. No complaining from me, I honestly thought he looked a little attractive.

I finally realized that my mind wandered from his scars to his body. Sitting up, I rubbed my face to focus once again. That's when I saw something laying near the corner of the room.

His jacket

A Quick Discussion

I'm sorry if the writing and general narrative of this chapter is bad. I didn't really have an idea for it.

Love ya...


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