Chapter 71 - Hope for the Best

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Killer's POV

It has been three weeks since Ink and Error have disappeared. None of us know where they went. Not even the AI can find them. So we all just agreed to hope for the best and wish that they get back without injuries.

I sat at the dining table with my laptop opened. Dream was baking while I focused on the screen in front of me.

Dream: Hey Kills.

I hummed in response.

Dream: What are you doing?

Me: Dust and I are thinking about finishing our education. I'm planning on taking culinary classes so maybe in the future, I can own a restaurant. To be honest, I don't want to be doing this whole assassin thing for the rest of my life. I enjoy it and it's fun but... it's not something I want to retire from.

He stopped moving as he thought.

Dream: I can see where you're coming from. Though, I can't say the same thing since I'm just the healer of the group. However, I can probably help you find a decent school since I went to college.

Me: Thanks.

Dream finished with his task and brought over a plate. I looked to see what he put down. Victoria Sponge.

Me: Oh my god. You're a life saver.

I said as I took a slice.

(Time Skip)

I heard someone walk into the room. It was Nightmare. He looked fine but in the inside, he was fucking messed up. I didn't blame him. Ever since we got word that Ink went missing, he's become really stressed. I literally have no idea if he has even slept. He made himself a kettle of herbal tea.

Me: Morning Boss.

Nightmare: Shut the fuck up, Killer.

Dream looked at him with a slight annoyed expression.

Dream: You could be a little nicer. You know that?

Nightmare lightly set the kettle back on stove. The soft clink of the metal was gentle. However, it was anything but gentle. Slowly turning around, he glared at his twin brother. His icy blue eye could strike fear in even the strongest of men. Dream backed away in terror and I stayed in my spot.

Nightmare: You would act the same if you're best friend was missing. For now, I suggest you keep your fucking mouth shut.

Dream's movement ceased to exist. I didn't dare do anything. I knew very well that I would lose in a fight against Nightmare.

Footsteps broke the tension between the three of us. Before the person walked in, Nightmare went back to being his normal composed self. Dust came into the room, unaware of the malicious dark side of our leader.

Dust: Hey guys. This is a lovely morning.

Nightmare: Yeah. Great for a walk.

His voice held no recognition of the person he was a few minutes ago. It honestly scared me about how fast he could change the mood of his voice.

(Time Skip)

We all sat together for dinner. Dust and I shared the news that we were going to finish school.

Delicious food was accompanied by our words and laughter. Suddenly, Nightmare stood up abruptly. His face was emotionless. I couldn't read his thoughts. However, I could imagine what they were.

'How could you laugh at a time like this?'

He scoffed and then walked out off of the room. Cross went to follow him but Dream grabbed his arm.

Dream: Leave him be. Nothing can help right now. It's best to just let him blow out steam on his own.

Cross stared Dream before sitting down again. Everyone stayed silent until I started to suffocate from the lack of words. I took a deep breath as I rubbed the back of my neck.

Me: Well, that was... interesting.

I had to break the silence. It was starting to slowly kill me. Dust nodded.

Dust: Yeah. Look, I love our little family but, we're all very awkward cunts.

A small snort came from Horror. Soon enough, we all began to talk like normal. Like nothing happened. Though, I do hope that our boss was okay.

He might not

A Quick Discussion

This chapter is just for you to pass some time.

Love ya...


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