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A FANCY DINNER TABLE WAS SET UP IN THE YARD WITH MARCEL'S CLOSEST PEOPLE GATHERED AROUND IT. Elizabeth was smirking looking at their aggravated faces, they looked like they wanted to be anywhere but here. Klaus calls for everyone's attention to give a speech by tapping his cup with a fork with a bright smile on his face.

"Let us begin with a toast to our shared gift: immortality." he begins. "After a thousand years, one might expect life to be less keenly felt, for its beauties and its sorrows do diminish with time. But, as vampires, we feel more deeply than humans could possibly imagine."

Klaus gestures toward a group of waiters and waitresses to have them join them at the table, one for each guest, well expect Elizabeth since she wasn't a vampire. "Insatiable need, exquisite pain..." The servants slit their wrists with knives, filling the cups with blood for the vampires. "Our victories, and our defeats."

Elizabeth interrupts his speech. "Hey can I have some too?" she said looking at a cup filled with blood. Klaus chuckled knowing this was one of her jokes while the vampires look at her with shock.

"Whoa so judgy when you drink blood all the time, bloodsuckers," Elizabeth told. "Besides Bella drank it, when she was pregnant with her freaky baby, right? You know in Twilight? And my little vampire's babies need some blood too." she said smirking but they don't stop being stunned by her weird sense of humor. "Relax I was joking." Elizabeth turns her head to Klaus pouting. "Nik, you need to find us new slaves who are funnier and dispose of these ones."

"Hush love, Twilight is a poor and ridiculous reference on vampires anyway. And nobody gets your jokes, you can't blame those poor souls," told Klaus smiling since he did find this amusing.

"Hey, Jacob and Edward suck I agree. They are weirdos and creeps. But I kinda like Alice, she is smoking hot. I would fuck her if she existed. And besides, the girl can see the future, which is like Amazing. Imagine how cool is that? You would see beforehand when those little vampires will try betraying you." Elizabeth tells smirking. The vampire's face blanched from her accusation. "Anyways It's not like they could betray you unless they want to die obviously."

"I think they already learned their lesson, love. Where was I? Ah yes." Klaus looked at Marcel.  "...To my city, my home again. May the blood never cease to flow..."

"...and the party never ends!" Marcel finishes holding up his cup.

Another vampire called Diego raises his glass. "to New Orleans."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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